What's most important to WAF-size, shape, finish?

What do you think is most important (regarding loudspeakers) :-)
for the wives/significant-others WAF=wife acceptance factor?
Size, shape, texture, finish, color, sound quality,etc. in order of importance? What do you think or what has been your actual experiences? Your comments regarding 2-channel AND home theatre are appreciated.
Thanks and happy listening!

Showing 1 response by lucynbarney

Tsugury, I kind of did what you suggested by accident. I showed my wife the Nautilus 802s and she said ()^$*(+) so we got 803s. I showed her the HTM1 and she said ()^$*(+) so we got the HTM2. You get the idea ? She didn't seem to care about cost. Or sound. It seemed to be about size and looking like something that's more likely to answer back if she tries to talk to it. She likes in-walls for the surrounds and she made damn sure that I wasn't going to make her see any wires (cables to you and me). I think she appreciates the speakers as being a nice piece of furniture. She hasn't commented on all those black and silver boxes by the TV but she does want to know why the little blue lights stay on all the time - I think it's bugging her but she hasn't pushed the point.