What's most important to WAF-size, shape, finish?

What do you think is most important (regarding loudspeakers) :-)
for the wives/significant-others WAF=wife acceptance factor?
Size, shape, texture, finish, color, sound quality,etc. in order of importance? What do you think or what has been your actual experiences? Your comments regarding 2-channel AND home theatre are appreciated.
Thanks and happy listening!

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Bottom line on WAF-If she accepts you she'll accept your speakers.

To answer your questions in order: Size, color, shape, sound quality. (texture & finish are n/a to the SO, IMO}

Actual experience: We have a small living room (11.5 x 23 x 8) which doubles as the audio room, so we share the space. She really liked the Unity Audio Sig I's. They're 9" square & about 4' with a beautiful hardwood finish. I now have VR4 Gen III's which are all black, twice as deep, a little wider & about the same height. They sit out from the wall more than the Sig I's & are much more noticeable. I was (still am) recovering from an injury when they arrived so she did not say one word. In fact they sound very nice to her although she has mentioned they're not as pretty as the Unity's. (They were on order before my injury) I'm not suggesting sustaining an injury to gain sympathy but I'm sure in my case I was able to get my way w/o any compromise whatsoever. I unashamedly took full advantage of this opportunity.

2 channel vs. Home Theater. For me it was one or the other as the living room is the audio room & there is not enough room for two systems. I tried HT for a year & went back to 2 channel. In this I was supported fully and part of the reason is 4 less speakers.

A few thoughts if the SO is having trouble coming around to accepting your choice of speaker. Go to a garage sale & pick up two sets of $10.00 big boxy speakers to use as mains & surrounds. Make sure the surrounds are rotted so you get a buzzing sound when playing. Either she'll complain about the size of 4 speakers and/or the buzzing & you can use this to "downsize" to a nice set of 2 channel speakers. Of course there are many variations on this theme but you get the idea. Good luck!