What's most important to WAF-size, shape, finish?

What do you think is most important (regarding loudspeakers) :-)
for the wives/significant-others WAF=wife acceptance factor?
Size, shape, texture, finish, color, sound quality,etc. in order of importance? What do you think or what has been your actual experiences? Your comments regarding 2-channel AND home theatre are appreciated.
Thanks and happy listening!

Showing 1 response by bbtuna

SMALLER….it has been the only thing my wife has cared about. The reason is that it takes up less room in our living room which the system shares with everyday living. If I had my own room then who cares? But if your “friend” is real fashion conscious then they might find looks to be most important. But even the most interior decorative minded person won’t like speakers, they just don’t see them as art….like I do and I am sure most of you do.

If you can't get the W/SO involved, meaning "liking", the hobby then nothing you do is going to please her/him. You just have "potentially" lessor degrees of irritation from her/him. If you can’t get them to be involved or at least understand your desire to have this hobby in your life, everything will be a hassle.


My wife does not care about equipment, I can now bring a piece in (after many many) and she won’t notice. Now speakers if significant shape change she will notice but doesn’t comment anymore. I dominate our rather small living room. We fought in the beginning because she didn’t understand and thought with all our other more important priorities why would we spend money on something so extravagant (good question really). I tried to involve her in decisions, music, trips to store etc and she just isn't interested. Nothing personal but she just can’t will herself to care. We had many conversations about how important this was to me and that it could never be “logically” defended except that it gives me pleasure. I asked, begged, etc for her to understand me and asked to set it aside as an issue (because in my heart it would never go away). Asked her not to ask me to give it up, I sacrifice in other areas and work hard, love her and the kids so can’t I have my hobby even if it is a little crazy from most people’s point of view? Basically, “Mom, can’t I keep the puppy? Please? Please?” ……by the way, I told her I wished she was interested, really from the heart, in my interest so I could talk and share about it but she just can’t muster any true energy so I live this part of my life sort of on the side rarely talking to her about details. (probably why on such a easy post you get such a long response? :) )

Anyway, we have come to an understanding and she tolerates and rarely flares up about the hobby. Every so often I reinforce our previous conversations. I still dip in once in a while and see if I can interest her in some part of the hobby but alas I walk alone.

In other words….I don’t ask about size, shape, color, etc anymore.

good luck