What's more important; sound or brand name?

I have had several people leave comments about my inability to hear things with my system because of quality of one or more of the parts. They seem to think it's not good enough to reproduce whatever sound is being discussed on that particular thread. The issue I have is I think my system is pretty good inspite of the fact that some of the componants might not be a popular enough name.

Many of the comments were based on my choice of speakers. I cannot describe how happy I am with the sound quality of the Sony SS M9 speakers inspite of the name on the grill cloth. Yes I have heard many other 'Hi-end' speakers over the years. Some have sounded better than the Sony's, most have not.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not whining because someone else doesn't like my gear as much as I do. I just wonder if people care more about the name on the product than the sound of the product.

If Sansui made a great product I would consider it inspite of the fact that I consider their stuff to be mostly junk. Maybe Sansui is a bad example since I prefer to buy American but you get the gist...

Any opinions? Have you noticed this happening?

Showing 2 responses by zaikesman

In truth, I see somewhat of the reverse phenomenon around here more frequently. There is a large contingent in this hobby for whom the most un-hip gear you can mention are the well-known establishment audiophile brands (the validity for many of Kinsekd's point notwithstanding). Paulwp nailed it: "If sound were all that mattered...there wouldn't be much of an industry."
Dekay - If I itch, I scratch...my 1200 has nothing to do with it. :-)

Psychic - The answer to your rhetorical question is: Almost as much flak as you've asked for... ;^)