What's it worth if you sold it today?

Many people discuss what their system cost vs. list price, etc., but recent times have caused people to sell off equipment for more essential needs. I don't carry my audio equipment on my "books" as an asset that I could liquidate, but I thought about it yesterday (what I'd raise by full sell-off) vs. what I have in it. This is what I came up with:

Retail $31900

Paid $24900

Sell $16900

The Sell price will drop off fast as my system includes an expensive pre/pro, which tend to lose value quickly. Anyway, what would you get? -Kirk


Showing 1 response by garfish

Kirk; I've wondered that myself, but have not attempted to calculate it as components/wires etc. vary in age, demand, and perceived value. As a "rule of thumb" though, I'd just take 50% off retail to arrive at present selling price, and I think I'd be in the ballpark for my system, and your numbers look about that way too. Of course some parts are not recoverable such as dedicated AC system(s).

I don't totally agree about the rapid value drop in digital components, ie the Levinson M37 transport has been around 5-6 years (or more) and still is hard to find at 50% off it's original retail of $4K. In fact it's hard to find used at all. I think some "good brand name" digital gear holds it's value for quite awile if it has high perceived value. Also, as the 16/44 format is "mature" there is not as much that can be done to improve it IMO, so again perceived value of good brands can remain high. Cheers. Craig