What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".


Showing 50 responses by ghosthouse

Check out the scene at Deep Elm Records. Complaining about the stranglehold big biz got on music? Strike a blow against the empire. But be forewarned, you might not hear a single....

Deep Elm Records
Sampled several things on You Tube that were mentioned by Pokey. Listened briefly to Dntel & Evax but spent more time with Aninha Mission by Piano Overlord (Scott Herren). This is interesting and bears returning to.

Ultimately listened to an upload of Beck's "Sea Change". I know this has been out a while but it was a first listen for me. It might not be typical Beck but I REALLY liked it.
William DeVaughn - Be Thankful for What You Got

Curtis Mayfield - SuperFly Soundtrack

Dwight Twilley Band - Sincerely (Pure pop confection with a brain. Don't get why Dwight wasn't a bigger star)
Check out "General Fuzz".
Heard Comfort Zone from Soulful Filling on Pandora. He has 6 albums available for free download. Donations accepted. Link below to the site. Enjoying his music.

Computer audio last couple of nights....

1) Daniel Lanois - Belladonna

2) Mum - Finally We Are No One

3) Sunlight Ascending - All The Memories, All At Once
Never did get to Umphrey's McGee tonite, Pokey.
Ended up listening to...
Robin Trower - Bridge of Sighs
Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Trouble Is...
ZZ Top - Tres Hombres

Finished with a killer video someone put up on YouTube...
Joe Bonamaasa live doing Blues Deluxe.
Beck's Morning Phase; one of the most beautiful recordings I've heard in a long time.
Beck - Sea Change

Pinback - Blue Screen Life

Toad the Wet Sprocket - New Constellation
Thanks, Roxy. You are certainly welcome to post here (not that you need my permission). I had a vague notion when I started this about it being a kind of on-line "digital" listening journal. Hoped it would interest others. Have gotten some great listening ideas...in particular from Pokey77. Again, feel free to post what you are listening to. I get bored with myself!
Notec - thanks. Your music suggestions are generally off the beaten path and interesting. Thanks for the intro to Steven R. Smith...a musician new to me. Am sampling "the anchorite".
From the Mouth of the Sun - Woven Tide

Bvdub - I Remember

Billow Observatory - eponymous
Field Rotation (Christoph Berg) "Acoustic Tales" (playing from YouTube).
Been very taken the last few evenings with this excellent recording of (as per Discogs) "neoclassical/downtempo/experimental" music.
Listening on Spotify.

A study in contrasts....

Black Light Syndrome - their 1st

Last Days - Satellite
Hey Tboooe - I'll check out Bic Runga...new name to me. Thanks for contributing.
The Waterboys - A Pagan Place;

Red Army Blues.....wow.

Mike ain't holding nothin' back.
Have become interested in "modern classical" or, elsewhere, "modern composition". There are various manifestations but the form I'm enjoying most right now blends elements of contemporary classical for small ensembles (strings, reeds, some percussion) with "electronics"...synth and/or studio effects. That's my best effort at a description but listening is the best way to understand. To that end, over the last several evenings...on CD as well as from Spotify:
1) Field Rotation (aka Christoph Berg) - Acoustic Tales
2) Bersarin Quartett - their first
3) Aaron Martin/Christoph Berg - Day Has Ended
3) Jacaszek - Glimmer
Rbrowne -
Thank you very kindly. I'll certainly be following up on those names and titles. Have heard of "Winged Victory" before as there is a connection to Stars of the Lid. Haven't listened to any of Winged V., however. I did previously listen to the 2nd Bersarin recording and ordered it.. "Ii" is on it's way. Again, "Thanks". Hopefully some of the titles and musicians I listed will be new and of interest to you.

BTW - Tried to start a new thread last night but it didn't go through...might have been operator error on my part. I'll try again. I'd wanted to make others aware of a very good website devoted to "instrumental and experimental" music. It's not a music listening site like Spotify or LastFM. Instead, they have many reviews posted on music releases under 7 different categories including: Ambient; Drone; Electronic; Experimental; Field Recordings & Soundscapes; as well as "Modern Composition". The name of the site is "A Closer Listen - A Home for Instrumental and Experimental Music".

Link here: http://acloserlisten.com.

Well worth a visit. If something is intriguing, you can track it down for a listen on Spotify or elsewhere. Ordered Jacaszek's "Glimmer" as a result of this process.
Rbrowne -
Am listening to Ryan Teague, "Coins & Crosses". I like this very much. Also listened to and enjoyed Winged Victory and subsequently some of Brian McBride's solo work. Am looking forward to hearing Teague's other LPs including "Field Drawing". I did not care for the Greg Haines all that much...but may give it another try.
Jesse Sykes and The Sweet Hereafter..."Oh, My Girl".

Last night, her "Like, Love, Lust & The Open Halls of the Soul".

Still to try...

"Marble Son"

"Reckless Burning"
Thanks for the reminder about Francis Dunnery, Pokey. Was living outside Phila. in the '90s. Listening a lot to WXPN Public Radio from the U of P. Heard some great music on that station. Remember hearing tracks from Tall Blonde and liking it. One of those things I always meant to get at the time and never got around to it. Listening to it now on Spotify. He's a good song writer. Got an ear for melody and I like his guitar tones and licks.

re The Boats....do check out Our Small Ideas too. It's sort of a companion to Sleepy Insect Music.
Thinking about Jack....

7 Moons & BLT w/Robin Trower

Why Doncha - West, Bruce & Laing
Hey Pokey - Listening to Band of Horses on Spotify...Cease to Begin. Their name seems familiar (maybe you mentioned them previously). They've probably been around for a decade or more and I'm just catching on. Getting to be a misanthropic CRANK in my old age. Lots of male singers in so many of the younger (hipster?) bands annoy the heck out of me. Liking instrumentals more as a result. BofH is a happy exception. Thanks for the tip. Seems like there is something here worth exploring further. Islands on the Coast! Yeah!!

Gslone - solitary is the name of the game (mostly).
Pokey - thanks for your separate recommendation of "Self Help Serenade" by Marjorie Fair. What a gorgeous recording. Enjoyed it very much. Evan Slamka is truly gifted. Looking forward to further time with Robert Forster and exploring the other recommendations you have made here.
You are welcome, Lak.

Pokey - you're on a roll. The Grays' "Ro Sham Bo" is excellent and so is Bill Lloyd's "Back to Even". I did also listen at your recommendation to Jason Faulkner's "Author Unknown", liked that one too.

Listening to Bill Lloyd last night, I was reminded of Freedy Johnston. Check out FJ if you haven't ever. "This Perfect World" and "Never Home" are the 2 I know. Haven't listened to him in a good long while. Need to do some catching up...

BUT TONIGHT cranking Grateful Dead, Skull & Roses. GREAT live recording that captures the magic they could do.
Hoping all who observe the holiday enjoy a very happy Thanksgiving. I certainly have much to be grateful for. My sincere condolences to those members who experienced loss this year. The holidays can be very cruel in such circumstances.
Thanks, guys...got Feeling the Elephant cranking now. Great sounds and songs.

Do check out Freedy Johnston...not rocking quite as hard as Elephant but there is something similar to Bill L's. song writing (or so I think).

ALSO - if you have never before, give a listen to Smash Palace. I'm not a big fan of "greatest hits" most of the time but their "Best of '99 - '06" is worth checking out.

Smash Palace
Loomis - Agreed. I wasn't attempting to put Freedy in the same music category as Bill Lloyd. BUT Lloyd's "Back to Even" did bring Freedy to mind for me. There's something about his chords and lyric style (some wry and self-deprecating humor there) that reminded me of FJ.

Hope you like Smash Palace. Wasn't that taken on first listen but hours and days later I'd have one of their tunes on auto-play in my head...and I don't mean in a bad ear-worm way. So gave 'em some additional time. A pretty strong collection, I think.
Hey there Loomis, glad you gave SP a listen. Yeah...they're probably not an A-list band though for me personally, I found their music melodic enough...kind of quirky and enjoyable, even. But, hey, horses for courses as they say. I will sample Hiss Golden Messenger and Trespassers William. Spotify's got em both and the exact recordings you mention. Can already tell you I like HGM's song titles.

By the way, to you, Pokey and everyone...have you listened to Gary Clark Jr.? Great guitarist, vocalist and song-writer...blues/rock or rock/blues...whatever. I especially like his 2010 GC, Jr. (photo on the cover of a little kid wearing head phones). Can only find it as MP3, unfortunately. Music styles are all over the map on that one but the song writing and performances are strong. I see he was being compared to Jimi by some. Seems to me to have his own style but on an emotional level does seem able to go where Jimi went Vs just doing Hendrix riffs a la Trower or even SRV. I'm probably late to the party as usual but just in case he's new to any of you....

Later. Ciao.
Kelly Joe Phelps - "Brother Sinner & The Whale"...for them as got ears to hear.

Johann Johannsson - "Englabörn" & "Virthulegu Forsetar". The initial and sophomore releases from this Icelandic composer. Modern classical. Englabörn was the score for a play. Both are beautiful. My preference the Forsetar, however.

Loomis - I did check out Hiss Golden Messenger's "Bad Debt". Had a good listen (headphones) to virtually the whole thing. I can definitely hear the talent in Golden Messenger - lyrics especially. The arrangements are pretty sparse. Sometimes that works for me. Other times, leaves me wanting more excitement. I'll revisit though because with new music, first impressions aren't always the final word...sometimes it takes a little perseverance to breakthrough.

Did some sampling of Liquor Giants, Even & Trespassers William. I have them saved on my Spotify account and will try again in the future. First time 'round not grabbing me too much. (Never was a big Mazzy Star fan).

Hope you aren't put off by my lukewarm reception. Definitely NO need to shut up. Keep 'em coming. Always glad when it's more than just me and Pokey putting up songwriters and titles.
Listening to Pandora's "Christmas Carols" radio tonight in celebration of a most extraordinary event. Merry Christmas to all. Best wishes for a safe, healthy and happy new year.
Music on Spotify...

Christina Vantzou: Albums No.1 & No.2

(Michel) Banabila: Voiznoiz Urban Sound Scapes
Thanks for all the recommendations.

From tonight's listening...

Glenn Kaiser - Ripley County Blues

Randall Bramblett - Now It's Tomorrow

Hot Tuna - Setlist: The Very Best of Hot Tuna Live

Live Cream

Live Cream Volume II

If you wanna rock, you only need this band. Great drive, strong melodies and lyrics, super musicianship and inventive interplay. Too bad it was so short-lived. Guess that's what comes from a volatile combination of geniuses.
Desertshores - "Floating Your Majesty" (check out Track 11, "Sixteen Drawers").

Lord Dog Bird - 1st, self-titled. 2nd, "The Trinity Knot"
Matt Pond "The Dark Leaves" & "Several Arrows Later". Hey Pitchfork! KMA !! This is great stuff regardless of your reviews.
Damien Jurado: St. Bartlett; Maraqopa, Brothers & Sisters of the Eternal Son.

Three other-worldly and beautiful albums.

All produced by Richard Swift.