What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".


Showing 50 responses by ghosthouse

Hello @jafant -
Always happy to discuss the music. For the Neil Cowley Trio I can tell you what I have.
BUT go to YouTube (or search Spotify or Tidal) and give ’em a listen to decide for yourself.

The discs I bought are:
Loud, Louder, Stop
Radio Silence
Spacebound Apes

All 4 are solid and bear repeated listening. Spacebound Apes is the newest of the 4. A concept album. Beautiful.  As a place to start, however, it isn't exactly "typical" of NCT's style and sound.  Loud, Louder, Stop might be more representative of their work.  

Hope you find some NCT that you enjoy.

Hey @artemus_5 
Thanks for sharing about the NGDB release but are you commenting about the music and sound on vinyl or CD? or both??

Michael Brecker - Now You See It, Now You Don't....

Track 5, Peep, with some very nice piano work by Joey Calderazzo and some way-in-the- background guitar strumming (on this track, anyway) by yet another Fagen/Becker indentured guitarist, Jon Herrington.  

Alboran Trio - Near Gale

Great contemporary jazz (compositions, musicianship and sonics) from Italy.

Track 7, Invariable Geometries

World Party - Dumbing Up

Track 6, I Thought You Were A Spy

"...nothing I can say
Can change the way I feel

Nothing's in the way
So come on let's make a deal....".
Puts "fresh" back into classic jazz. "Classic" given the date of the original sessions: Nov 1969. Over 50 years ago!  Not released until Oct 2003 (as per Wikipedia).

Andrew Hill - Passing Ships; Track 6, Cascade:

Andrew Hill's "Passing Ships".  
Recorded way back in 1969 but only released in 2003.  A "nonet"!

The title track here.  It ain't sweet sounding soprano sax or oboe stating the melody but rather English Horn in the hands of Joe Farrell (given name: Joseph Carl Firrantello as per Tom Jurek/All Music Guide).

Thanks, Nutty. I’ll have to check that specific JST live track later this evening. I know I’ve sampled her live stuff in the past...just didn’t click for me the way some of her studio albums do. But I’ll give her live another shot.

Welcome, Speakermaster.  How did you end up with digitized gramophone recordings?  DIY??

Nutty - okay! I can hear what you like in that track. Great energy. GREAT playing. No shrinking violet she. Love her soloing when she stretches out. Definitely sounds like someone worth seeing/hearing live. BUT at the same time I quickly remembered what I did not like about that recording during past listening attempts. Gosh, it sounds like a bootleg somebody made with a handheld mike towards the back of the hall. Kinda muddy, distorted and flat/compressed (not to put too fine a point on it). The drums are buried in muck (which is real sad since I think her drummer is good! Given how great sounding live recordings can be it annoys the heck out of me that "recording professionals" think it’s okay to put out shlock like that. She deserves better. No offense to you intended. I did continue listening and enjoyed her playing throughout...creative and fresh; held my interest on later tracks like Diamonds in the Dirt, Kiss The Ground and Just Another Word. The album’s a good "ambassador" for her live show but yeesh people - fix the sound!
You’ve probably done more than anyone to keep this thread alive! But dude, I mean, yeah, Donovan...good choice for the hour but yeesh, 3AM! Don’t you ever sleep? or maybe it’s shiftwork??

Do enjoy seeing what you listen to although DeBarge the other day did give me pause ;-)
The Temptations - With A Lot O' Soul

Can't believe it's taken over 50 years to realize how good this is.  
Of course, can't say enough about The Funk Bros. special sauce.
Session musicians.  Saints of the recording industry.

Fairport Convention - What We Did On Our Holidays
Fairport Convention - Unhalfbricking
For @slaw , @nutty , & @pokey

The Lord Dog Bird.  A LoFi masterpiece.

Something about it reminds me of Hiss Golden Messenger - but further out there.
Persevere (maybe) through tracks 1-3.  It gets "easier".

Track 5, Song for Woodthrush


Thanks for posting that new track featuring Joanne Shaw Taylor. CDP playback or not, I always intended this thread for "the non-vinyl half", i.e., digital listeners regardless of source. "What’s in your CDP tonight?" was just a convenient play off Slipknot’s "What’s on your turntable tonight?"
Thanks @jafant 

I'm so ignorant about most of the standard jazz catalog and I'm a slow "reader".  Takes me a long time to "get" some of it...well, what doesn't bore me and that, I'm finding, often means quintets.  So, that's how we arrived at these three.  Though a good quartet is okay too!

Probably be spending more time with one or more of them again tonight.  

I guess you knew that's Lee playing trumpet on Night Dreamer.  But don't forget Freddie (on Speak No Evil).  He always seems to make me sit up and pay attention.  
Night Dreamer followed by Juju.  Wayne Shorter again.  

Juju (new to me) is impressive.  
Thanks for the Lee Morgan suggestion.  

Not a huge EJ fan either, but Madman is a favorite album: the title track, exceptional and powerful 50 years later; the lesser known "All The Nasties" with that crescendo-ing outro has some real magic.    
Full House (live) - Wes Montgomery with the Wynton Kelly trio + Johnny Griffin.

From 1962.  Sounding very "spry" at 60.  
Spiral - (Dr.) Lonnie Smith 

2010 recording.  Excellent organ trio work (guitarist Jonathan Kreisberg kinda steels the show at times).  Spectacular sonics. 
Hate typos. Make that, "Jonathan Kreisberg kinda steals the show".

Sorry, Tweak. No clue about locking an Oppo onto a DVD.
Continuing Wayne Shorter investigations.

Tonight it is Juju...Wayne and McCoy + bass and drums.

Rudy Van Gelder remaster version that, despite much negative commentary about the series, does not sound all that bad (a little thin but not ear bleed bright).  Did fiddle a little with Lokius tone settings mainly to try and bring up the piano in the mix.  At times sounding like it was placed at the back of a big room with the mic positioned too far away from it.    

Renaissance - Ashes Are Burning 

(courtesy of Tidal)

Just 11 months shy of 50, jafant.


Have a fire extinguisher at hand for this one...

Brian Auger's Oblivion Express Live in Los Angeles.

Alex Ligertwood's voice ain't my favorite thing but beyond that this is a very solid and enjoyable 2 CD listen.  Sadly out of print but available at BandCamp for download.   

Two great tracks from the album on YouTube...

Straight Ahead

Bumpin' on Sunset

2nds or 3rds on the Wayne Shorter...JuJu a current favorite.

But at the moment, Joe Satriani - Crystal Planet.  It do sound better loud!

A Train of Angels