What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".


Showing 50 responses by ghosthouse

Happy New Year to you too, Jafant.

We be Buckcherry ignorant.  Will investigate.  

Meanwhile, more Massive Attack:  Protection

Track 6, Better Things....

"...you say the magic's gone,
well I'm not a magician
you say the spark's gone,
well, get an electrician...."
Well, that should have been "SuRfer King" last night. Not that anyone’s paying attention.

So far tonight...
Yellowjackets - A Rise In The Road
Track 8 An Amber Shade of Blue

Wilco - Sky Blue Sky (as suggested by my friend Pokey77)
Track 5, Side With The Seeds
Great guitar work from Nels Cline throughout the album.

All the above and almost every night, if it ain't Tidal then it's ripped CDs through an Aries Mini into a Gungnir MB DAC.    
Dream Theater - Awake

Check out track 2, Caught In A Web
Amazing - an over-used adjective, but totally fitting in this case - musicianship.

Thanks to Nutty for recommending this one.
CAB - Live On Sunset

Bunny Brunel, Tony MacAlpine, Virgil Donati, Dennis Hamm.

Excellent sounding live recording (SQ, music & performances).

Glenn Hughes - The Way It Is

Not a weak track in the entire thing...it just builds, strength on strength, track after track.  Has held up to repeated listening over many months now.  Another solid recommendation from the Nut man.

Track 11, Take You Down (I Will Never...)
For Nutty & Uberwaltz - 

Glad you liked the CAB Live On Sunset, N.  
Reading credits got me interested in what other work Virgil Donati had been involved with.  Quite a lot as it turns out.  A couple of things that might bear further listening.  You two being bigger fans of metal than I...figured I'd suggest these, tho' perhaps you already know 'em....

Virgil Donati - In This Life
Just started it.  Track 4 now.  Lots of heavy metal riffing, scales and deep bass.  Crazy complex time signatures.  Instrumental (so far).  Very good sound quality.  


Icefish - Human Hardware 
Sampled it briefly last night.  Has vocals.  Dunno if it is any good.  The musicianship seems of a high order.  That doesn't mean the songs are any good.  Some of the same personnel as on In This Life.


No problem, of course, U.  I certainly can't make a steady diet of this stuff.  re old age and listening preferences, I expect I know what you mean.  I'm also guessing I'm a few years up on you!

N - Is Donati new to you or were you already up on him?

In This Life has great sonics.  Not the most melodic thing I've ever listened to but it is interesting.  Might be one of those things that rewards time invested.  

Brian Auger’s Oblivion Express - Live in Los Angeles

(not crazy about the vocals...but Brian's keyboard work is worth it and then some)

Straight Ahead
Thanks for sharing the Brian Auger appreciation.  I'm actually old enough to remember Brian Auger and the Trinity.  He and Julie were getting some FM airplay back then.  

This Live In Los Angeles 2 CD recording is relatively new (2015, I believe).  Good sound quality, by the way.  The guy is a survivor but even more, seems to have kept his musical spark going.  I didn't get through the whole thing last night so looking forward to continuing later today.  

He's also on CAB2, guesting with Brunel, MacAlpine, and Chambers.  Check that one out if you don't know it.  


This thread was started back in Spring of 2012 - almost 7 years ago; "Streaming" was not nearly as widely used as it is today.  While CDP was used in the title to play off the long running, "What's On Your Turntable Tonight" thread, the idea was to provide a window on what the "digital minority" were listening to and to generate a (selective) personal listening journal. From the very beginning (see the OP's second post in), whether CDP, streaming or playback of ripped files, all forms of digital music are welcome here.  
Welcome, delta77

Thanks for the music recommendation. Din’t know Fortunate Youth but found ’em on Tidal. Got their self-titled album playing now (the one that starts with Be Strong). I got a soft spot for reggae.

Back atcha...Black Uhuru live (sorry 'bout the video quality)...
Rory Gallagher, "Tattoo".  
A favorite.  His S/T studio-first after the demise of Taste is up there too.  

Many strong tracks on Tattoo.  
Always been partial to Track 8, A Million Miles Away:


Hello U. Well, I’m envious of course. Closest I’ll ever get to hearing Rory live is the concert film, Irish Tour ’74. Well worth watching if you haven’t. Audio is kinda disappointing on the DVD, however.

Also spent time with Blueprint yesterday.
First track, "Walk On Hot Coals", is also included in Irish Tour.


Battlestations - Vixit

and then for something completely different than that...

Mark Egan - Truth Be Told

all courtesy of Tidal 

Chick Corea & Origin - Change (a 1999 release)

Earlier this evening, The Vigil (a 2013 release by Chick Corea and band of the same name, i.e., - The Vigil) 
Thanks for the recommendation. While I mostly don’t G.A.S. what "hip" thinks (except, maybe, during a decade about 60-70 years ago...think Maynard G. Krebs) I’ll gladly take your word on the matter ;-)

Springfield MO Queen City of the Ozarks was home to my alma mater. When I was there, Ozark Mountain Daredevils were just breaking. The Quilt LP was a new release. Never heard a whisper about The Morells back then but as un-hip as I be, that’s not surprising. Some investigating’s in order.

Meanwhile, Pinback’s Autumn of the Seraphs is playing. Thanks to Pokey77 for the intro to this band.

Blue Harvest, track 8...

Appreciate the further discussion. I seized upon your use of "hip" as opportunity to express my disdain for the latest, fashionable culture-trends. I understand how you were using it. Don’t always share your preferences (The Band and Los Lobos being notable exceptions to that; there are others, no doubt) but can’t argue with your "rootedness"; i.e., an informed connectedness to contemporary music history. Progression might be some of what distinguishes "hacks" from artists. :-)

I did find a couple of Morell’s tracks on YouTube. They do a nice version of Nadine. A side-note - listening to their group harmonies made me realize some of what’s "wrong" with a lot of contemporary popular music: harmonizing seems to be a lost art. I exaggerate, of course. Not a huge fan of rock-a-billy but I do appreciate the contributions of Sun Studio.

James Taylor - Sweet Baby James

Suite for 20G

Mud Slide Slim And The Blue Horizon

You Can Close Your Eyes

Never into JT all that much "back in the day"...way over exposed by FM radio airplay. Those days long gone, supplanted by the present’s ignorant and coarse barbarity. Fresh appreciation for his craft slowly gained over the years; songs that comfort, excellently arranged, sung with a fine, fine voice. Great SQ too.

"You can say I wanna be free,
I can say, someday I will be."

Late afternoon again...

Crowded House - Temple of Low Men

Track 9, In The Lowlands

Struck on the umpty-umpth listening to this 1988 release by some strikingly elegant guitar soloing during an instrumental break - turns out it’s Richard Thompson.
Listened again last night to Genesis’ Trick of the Tail. Over 40 years old now and doesn’t sound dated at all. Excellent song-writing, arrangements and performance. Rock-hating classical music snobs from St. Paul ought to give it a listen. Arguably the best prog rock album ever and Tony Banks a woefully under-appreciated genius (all in my not so HO, of course).  This music continues to engage.

Great concert recollection, Steve. Excellent seats and Bruford as a bonus. Like uber, I too get a strong picture and certainly wish I’d been there. I was going to mention Peter Gabriel’s departure but forgot. Glad you brought it up. As much as I like Foxtrot and Lamb, there’s a certain "sprawl" to those Gabriel albums. Trick of the Tail on the other hand is more polished, focused and (cohesive?). Not a weak track...not a weak note, anywhere. Closing with Los Endos and its quotes from Dance is just genius. While I’m on this rave, let’s not overlook the album art. To me, a gorgeous (gatefold in vinyl) complete package.

"Sail away...." indeed.  Talk about beautiful melody lines!

Pleased someone else still carries the torch for Trick of the Tail.
Takeshi Nishimoto - Lavandula

For lovers of acoustic guitar.  Not quite classical.  Well recorded.  Sumptuous.

Track 2 - Drizzle (Turbine)

It would be boorish of me to ignore your well wishes, jafant. 
(my 4/15/19 post, not withstanding)

The same to you and yours and everyone. 

While I have my doubts about how things will be in the short term, not so in the long run.

To whit:
(thanks to Nutty for this one)

...and the original studio version