What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".


Showing 50 responses by ghosthouse

Lunz by Hans-Joachim Roedelius & Tim Story

Les Fleurs by Marsen Jules

Last track from Les Fleurs (Oeillet En Delta)

Systems Officer (aka Armistead Burwell Smith IV of Pinback fame) - Underslept. Thanks to Pokey77 for this one.

Steve Stevens - Memory Crash.
Thanks to Nutty for that one.

Track 7, Cherry Vanilla
...No, I really can’t believe it.
Genesis - A Trick of the Tail

Last track - Los Endos (!)

Have listened to this across decades now. It never ceases to amaze me. A masterpiece in my O-pinion...from cover art, to song writing to musicianship and production. Just superb.
Hey @mental

You can post however often you like. Only thing I would ask is to keep it focused on digital media, e.g, CD/SACD/DVD etc. Digital files okay too.

But yeah, some self-editing to give the standouts better exposure probably makes sense.

Byrds - Younger Than Yesterday.  Always enjoyed that one.  Have it on some old, nothing special vinyl.  Not an original release but still sounds pretty good.  
Field Rotation’s, Acoustic Tales

Full album here:

Field Rotation is Christoph Berg, a Berlin based composer recording as Field Rotation on Denovali Records and as Christoph Berg for Sonic Pieces.
Eric Clapton Blues
2 CD set.  Listening on Tidal.

Track to track SQ varies a bit but overall pretty good.

Enjoyed this one, Track 5 "Cryin"
An addition to the earlier EC Blues entry...

Whoever did the track sequencing for this compilation deserves some kind of grammy.  Superb pacing.  

Welome, hemoncdoc.  
You think RS got 'em all?  Not to mention "the best"??  "All time" is a long, long time!  Sarcasm not directed at you, more at the pompousness of that rag.  Liked it better when it was a rag, actually.  :-)   

Hello nutty - 
Glad you are "hearing" and enjoying Together Alone (looks like you had my dyslexia working there).  Released Oct 1993, so 25 years old this month. Still sounds wonderful. How often it seems the LP that's not an instant hit later becomes a strong favorite.

Two of my favorites from it...

Walking on the Spot and the closing title track.

"Will we be in our minds
When the dawn breaks?"

On the off-chance you are interested...  ;-)
Been a while since I listened to any Big Head Todd but had followed them closely over a number of years for a half dozen releases or so.  Sister Sweetly is definitely a strong album.  Another with good sonics but less consistent song-writing (or so I think):  Midnight Radio.  I always liked Stratagem too.  Might just have to pull them out for a listen.  It's been a while and I'm burned out on the stuff I've been living with most recently.

Dada's Puzzle is excellent, song-wise and sonics.  I remember when Dorina was getting a lot of FM airplay on WXPN in Phila.  Wish their subsequent output was as good.  Highway Flower has moments but not up to the same standard as Puzzle.

Great listening picks.     
Hello again, @reubent 

Just looked up BHT's discography on their website.  Last thing I bought by them was "Beautfiful World".  Can't believe that was over 20 years ago.  Really haven't kept up.  Even less than I thought.   An old workmate who used to live in Boulder said all their stuff was the same not very exciting mid-tempo rock.  He wasn't a fan.  I did fall out of love with them myself (singer's voice and style can get kind of annoying) although Stratagem was one of those records that took a while to click but ended up getting a lot of listening time.  All in all, however, Sister Sweetly might be tough to top in their output...at least of what I've heard. Hope you are not disappointed as you check out the other titles.   

I had always thought Michael Gurley was "the talent" in Dada.  Don't know 7Horse.  Guess I can see what Tidal has from them.  Hope the show is good.  

Your mention of Puzzle reminded me it was an album I'd been meaning to recommend to Nutty.  Good timing on your part.  Hope he's reading here.  

Later.  Ciao.

Big Head Todd -

Track 3, Wearing Only Flowers, is a good song in a somewhat uneven album.


"...Wearing Only Flowers came in 27 to 1...."

The Black Crowes - The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion.

Doing their best Stones impression on this track and doing it very well....

#6, Hotel Illness


Thanks for the Simon Phillips posts. A new-to-me artist. Found Protocol 4 on Tidal. The sonics are good. I’ll enjoy exploring his catalog.

If you aren’t already familiar with them, check out 3 albums by CAB (Bunny Brunel et al) as well as Brunel’s Momentum. These seem to come from a similar place as Protocol.


I will work my way through the various Protocol albums.  Started out with Protocol 4.  The more I listened the more it reminded me of the Bunny Brunel/CAB music (not a bad thing).  
Excellent @aniwolfe !

Thanks for the recommendations.  As it turns out, I have There & Back on old vinyl.  Haven't listened to it in some time.  I looked it up on Wiki and was interested to see songwriting credits to Simon Phillips on tracks 4-7 and drum credits on tracks 2-7.  

Is that Hiromi Uehara???  There's a reference to a female pianist by that name on the first page of this thread.  Don't know if that's who you mean.  

Will look for PSP as you suggest.

Thanks again.

Another pianist tonight...

Alan Pasqua - Northern Lights

Didn't "hear" this the first time around; tonight I did (for whatever the reason).  It warrants more time yet. 

Title track...

The Nines - self-titled 

Heard it courtesy of Spotify. VERY difficult to find a copy for purchase, but finally did (CD Baby? Digital download but only MP3 if I recall). Track 1 is "Sun Don’t Shine". Accept no substitutes. This is a Steve Eggers album.

Wish the drummer were a little more on top of the beat (or even a little ahead) and sound quality ain’t exactly odd-ee-o-file BUT great garage rock...good vocals, strong songs, great guitar riffs and excellent screaming. It’s been that kind of a month.


Rachel's "Selenography"

Very very different than The Nines.  
aka - "Modern Composition" or "Neoclassical".  

Track 10, The Mysterious Disappearance of Louis LePrince

Greetings, U.  Welcome.

Yup. Here it be. With notable and welcome exceptions, largely a spotty, one-person-journal about digital music listening - whether CD, ripped files, downloads etc. Don’t post all the time; mostly just when the spirit moves in response to something that is (or just in the moment seems) exceptional.

A bit of a Porcupine Tree feel to that 10 Years’ Division recording, I thought.

I haven’t encountered suddenly missing albums or song titles on a frequent basis but every once in a while something saved will be grayed out and unavailable. I agree with your assessment about giving up control. Don’t want to be at the mercy of the internet powers that be. For that reason, I do still buy regularly if there’s something I find myself coming back to regularly on Tidal or Spotify.
U - 
FOABP is also missing from Spotify.  Swear it used to be there.  Not sure how else I'd have listened to it.

Did find PT on Tidal.  Listening to Light Bulb Sun right now.  Liking it.    Sonics are good.  Songs so far (4 tracks in) are very strong.  Nice blend of melodicism and muscle.  Did and do think Steven Wilson is a genius (or at least very talented :-).  Shesmovedon is reminding me of Radiohead - not a bad thing.
I'm not a huge prog metal fan, U - which is to say, don't know a whole lot of  bands in that genre.  Porcupine Tree is just what popped into my head.  Could be on target.  Maybe not.

Hmmm a PT preference...
I was listening to them a bit a few years ago but not much lately.  Back then, probably spent the most time with In Absentia, Deadwing and Blank Planet (in no particular order).  Light Bulb Sun was getting some press but for whatever reason (maybe The Spot didn't have it then?) didn't hear that one.  I do remember being interested in buying but seemed the discs I wanted were out of production.  Haven't looked lately.  I see Spotify is now carrying more of their discography than I remember.  Haven't checked for them on Tidal.  Might do that tonight.
Likewise, uberwaltz...

Have not listened to anything by Sting in some time. Own a few of his solo releases (Dream of the Blue Turtles, The Soul Cages, Ten Summoner’s Tales). I’m not a "completist" (obviously!) though I think his music is well crafted and lyrically he’s one of the more literate writers in popular music.

Excellent use of "Shape of My Heart" (from Summoner’s Tales) in the Luc Besson movie, Leon-The Professional. Great supporting role there too by Gary Oldman (who expresses some strong opinions about classical music).

If you don’t have it, definitely worth adding to your collection. It's older but good.  Song writing is consistently strong.  Many (all?) of the songs written by or with members of The Hooters, if you remember them (All You Zombies). Sound quality is very good throughout, too.

I think Reubent mentioned it recently on another thread.

mitchagain - 
Nope...not familiar with Paco or the CD TIWWL but I will try to find it on Tidal or Spotify...worst case, You Tube.  Thanks for the recommendation.  Glad you enjoy Ivy.

Okay...found it.  Playing on Tidal.  Interesting that there are two albums listed but one is AAC and the other FLAC.  Saved the FLAC version and that is what I'm listening to now.  
mental - (’@’ function doesn’t seem to be working)...

Glad you are liking Relish.
Okay...thanks for the tip. Seemed to work just now (your tip/fix, that is). By the way, you had posted in another thread about Relish which led me to re-listen to it and mention it here. That in turn led to mental getting a copy of it. Sharing music is one of the best things - it not theee best - about A’gon.

Hey @mental
Thanks for posting about RT’s "What Lies Beneath". New one for me and I’m really liking it...even his vocal. Listening to a FLAC version on Tidal but surprised that there’s a very noticeable break between tracks that are obviously supposed to seamlessly fade into one another...no "gapless playback". In a few spots the recording has more distortion than I’m used to hearing from Tidal.

Curious if you are noticing any of this on whatever version you have.

This is probably a "buy" for me. Thanks for the tip.

Dude!  No offense intended but I do find your posts occasionally "cryptic".  ;-)  Am I right thinking you hear a little bit of a gap between tracks on your CD but nothing major???  What about sound quality...is that pretty distortion free throughout the recording?

Kinda in line with what I think you are saying...
the full album is posted on You Tube.  Got 21 minutes into that version and I don't hear the same breaks in sound as I do from Tidal.  Will finish listening later on.  

Hoping the CD is better than what I'm hearing on Tidal.  Maybe they got a bad rip (or however they store the music you hear).  
Appreciate the follow up.  You were definitely writing from another plane last night.  I'm sure it made sense to you.  Just needed someone better than me to fill in the gaps.  :-)  No problem, in any case.  

Yeah..."provenance" ain't always clear (if ever) on Tidal or Spotify but have to admit I'm a bit shocked by the absence of "gapless playback" on "What Lies Beneath".  Really like the music.  Interested in buying but listening now to the version on Spotify and hearing the same flaws.  

Track starts to end with a fade out.  Before it's completed, there's a click and a moment of silence.  The next track then starts with the fade out of the previous track completing followed by the start of the new song.  Kinda amateur hour by whoever did the mastering is what I'm thinking.    

Take care.
Wishbone Ash - Argus (courtesy of Tidal...it's a thread for the "non-vinyl half", after all).

Track 3
Blowin' Free....
Ha! Sept 2013...that Colossal Head mention goes back a ways. Good reminder. I was listening to Los Lobos steadily for what seemed like a couple of years well before then. Had Kiko, Colossal Head, This Time + Just Another Band from East LA spinning on a regular basis at home and in the car. Bought How Will The Wolf Survive on vinyl when it first came out. There is still a lot of their catalog that I don’t know.

Have always respected the heck out of them. Talk about paying dues. Liked that they did some very adventurous/nontraditional things with their music...thanks in large part to Mitchell Froom’s influence, I believe*. Kinda stopped following them with the release of Good Morning Aztlan. Just didn’t have the magic their earlier records had. Kinda flat feeling. Worth noting it wasn’t done with Froom.

If you liked Colossal Head, This Time might work for you too. Probably gonna have to give ’em a listen later this evening.

*was forgetting Tchad Blake.  More than Froom (maybe?) responsible for the interesting production.