What's driving your 805's

Just for kicks, I'm curious to see what other amps and subwoofer configurations are being used by B&W 805 owners.
I'm happily paired with an Adcom 5802 and REL Storm III.
I hd a GFP750/5802 combo running my 805 Matrix III's but liked thepre in active mode except it was too much power and had to use passive.Myny folks say B&W need SS grunt but I also had nice resukts withsome tube stuff in the 45-90 watta range (CJ and Mesa Baron).Problem with B&W'has been where the sensitivity is high the ipedance swings can make lower power not cut it.But I think you might want to read about and try other amps as I don't think you need that much power.How about those new Bel Canto's?Anyway wondering why you didn't mention the pre-amp you used?
Im using an Aragon 24k preamp and Aragon8008BB amp.
The sub is B&W ASW800,this combo works magic!!!
Chazz- thanks for inputting. I'm using a B&K Ref30 (for the time being), but for this thread I was primarily interested in the amp/sub pairings used with the 805's. There's obviously plenty of headroom with 300 wpc and my room acoustics are good, so its tough right now to justify amp auditions. However, I'm always willing to hear qualified opinions.