I traded my Harmonic Tech Platinum for the Acoustic Zen and never looked back. Almost indistinguishable from my analogue cables in tone.
What's better than HT Platinum Digital cable?
If you have lived with the HT Platinum digital interconnect for an extended period (3+ months) of time and then upgraded, what did you upgrade to? And what improvements if any occured? Where you satisfied with the upgrade?
I'm particulary interested in selecting a 1m S/PDIF in the $300 to $350 range. Here's the short list I composed as of today:
AZ MC2 $298
Stealth Varidig $300
Purenote Epsilon $350
I'm particulary interested in selecting a 1m S/PDIF in the $300 to $350 range. Here's the short list I composed as of today:
AZ MC2 $298
Stealth Varidig $300
Purenote Epsilon $350