Judy426 Is it actually a deficency with the AR or just a compatabilty mismatch between componets and ICs? I have been pretty fortunate with my matching and get very nice sound but I have been careful as to what I had and how I've changed. Also I have a great counsouler to toss opinions off of too. Right now I was looking as to how I tell differences between a pentode design and/or Triode, are all the AR Pre Amps/line stages Triode or what design would they be? Wanting AR is my personal choice I have always loved them and they were always out of reach for me, it's my personal dream. Now if Sonic Frontiers or another Pre was a better choice I am open to it I'm not being closed minded by any means, when I make a consideration for a seperate amp it will be a Classe though, becuse that was the reference for my speakers and I am hearing the joy of that matching and from the power cord changes I've made, so there I'm being unflexable at this time but, a Pre Amp to match might not be the AR as I would like and I'll have to ask at the time of that impemding change still again. We all have dreams and at this time AR is my first choices.
What's a Triode configuration?
It was suggested that for future consideration that if I upgrade, that the selection of a Triode preamp with Solid State regulation combined to a Solid State Amp would be a better musical combo to me. My dreams are to look for Audio Research when I do but, would an AR pre amp fit this description? or would I be considering some different brands? as I don't know the differences or how to distinguish them when referring to tube equipment?