What's a Triode configuration?

It was suggested that for future consideration that if I upgrade, that the selection of a Triode preamp with Solid State regulation combined to a Solid State Amp would be a better musical combo to me. My dreams are to look for Audio Research when I do but, would an AR pre amp fit this description? or would I be considering some different brands? as I don't know the differences or how to distinguish them when referring to tube equipment?

Showing 1 response by meisterkleef

Audiogabby - sounds like you have a gain mismatch as opposed to an impedance mismatch. An impedance mismatch will usually result in prematurely rolled-off bass and treble. You are seemingly describing overloading the input stage of your amp. You need to pad down the output of your preamp. The easiest way is to get an outboard attenuator of some kind. The best way though is to see if the manufacturer of your preamp is able to lower the gain structure and if so send it in for updating.