what’s a song cover that you think is better than the original?

The first ones to come to mind are Whitney’s version of I Will Always Love You and Allen Stone’s Georgia On My Mind but I would love to hear other contributions as well! I feel like there are a lot of songs where a covered version gets more popular than the original and people end up not realizing that it is a cover (ex. i had a friend that genuinely believed the Jonas Brothers wrote Year 3000). so, what‘a a song that was written by one artist but (figuratively) owned by another?


Showing 6 responses by richopp

Just thought of another one--again, kind of HERESY as NILSON is amazing, but HEART's version of "WITHOUT YOU" on their great, but not well-known (contract-fulfillment) album MAGAZINE is amazing.

Listening on Maggies will blow you away, especially with ARC tube gear driving them.


This is TOTAL HERESY, and I apologize to one of my favorite vocalists, but Linda Ronstadt's ARRANGEMENT of Smokey Robinson's "Ooo, Baby, Baby" is really good.

Her voice is spectacular, of course, and again, NOTHING against Mr. Robinson, who is one of the all-time greats, but her version is very smooth from beginning to end, and her voice is just the best...  Peter Asher produced hers, I think.

Anyway, you asked, so...



@xcool No huge argument from me, but both are wonderful.  Here is another I just thought of--one of my all-time fav songs:

ORIGINAL:  Charles Brown--Please Come Home for Christmas (1960)

REMAKE:  EAGLES (1978), and NOT the "re-masterd" version (you have to pay someone to listen to the original version these days)...here is a live version:

ALSO, used in one of the sexiest videos EVER:  Bon Jovi version.  No nudity, just pure sexy by 2 genetic-lottery winners on this planet...


Oh, and it has a striking resemblance, but not all the tough guitar chords, of the Beatles' "Oh, Darlin' ", which is another of my all time favs...


@bubba_buoy Yep, and Jeff Healey's version of Dylan's WHEN THE NIGHT COMES FALLING is pretty amazing as well.  So was Jeff, RIP.



And speaking of Jeff...pretty good stuff here...two major players...and he did WATCHTOWER as well...



@sokogear Guess you missed my earlier posts.  I was going to get after her Buddy Holly stuff, but I just can't say anything against any Buddy song.  To me, as a person who was coming up at the time, Buddy and Elvis and Jerry Lee and Chuck are the masters, period.  You can redo their stuff, but it will never be like it was originally.  It was hard enough for me to pick Linda's version of a Smokey song.  As I posted, it is kind of heretical to one of the all time greats...

@julie_priest I just listened to it and to me, it sounds like the Ronstadt ARRANGEMENT, which is clearly different from Smokey's, and it is good, no doubt.  I guess if you prefer a male version, that would be the one to go to.
