What's a real good arm for a Decca Cartridge?

I have a Decca London Super Gold with a paratrace stylus. It's sound as good as anything I've ever heard using my SME M2-12R arm on a rebuilt TD124. The problem is I want something that will track all my LPs and the SME just won't. After a bunch of tweaking, including adding tons of mass, it'll play 90% without issue. What arm will get me those extra 10%?

Showing 2 responses by harold-not-the-barrel

Terminator T3Pro by Trans-Fi Audio and you will never look back. Gets the best out of any cartridge. Enjoy the ride : )
A word about Trans-Fi linear tracker.
 All my higher quality cartridges, both very low compliant and very high compliant can do all the Telarc 1812 Overture cannons because the Trans-Fi  arm is capable. But only a couple of them can do the very last cannons with an authority that leaves me speechless. Trans-Fi T3Pro is able to distinguish true tracking ability with ease and obviously the true very finest cartridges. I don´t have a Decca Jubilee not to mention the Reference but my friend also runs a T3Pro and hasn´t had issues with his Jubilee. Trans-Fi linear tracker does the job.