What Product Did You Overspend On?

We all hear about the great bargains and great reviews. If they're all great, then none of them are great.

What product were you really disappointed with?

Showing 1 response by rdavwhitaker

I purchased a pair of Musical Fidelity 550Ks for half price after they were discontinued -- $2500.00 for the pair -- thinking it was an inexpensive (relatively speaking) way to get a pair of high-end, high-power monoblocks (I never bought into the "supercharger" thing and never used them that way). Big mistake. They have the most brittle, gritty high-end I've ever experienced in an amplifier, and they now sit in a corner of my listening room collecting dust. I don't even feel I can sell them, in good faith, for anything other than a P.A. or similar application. So there they sit.