What PrimaLuna tube amp / integrated or not will work best with B&W 804 standard speakers

I have searched and I am looking for some real world experience with the combination. 

I currently am running the 804's with a Silk MC100SE, which is an upgraded Yaqin MC100-B. It comes with psvane kt88 tubes and has upgraded solen capacitors and some upgrade in the power supply circuit. I also added a svs sb1000 sub, connected to the speaker terminals like PrimaLuna recommended on their site. I keep the amp in triode mode and that's 30 watts per channel.  It sounds very good to me with good imaging and plays loud enough.  I am just hoping for even better sound if possible. 

I am just looking for PrimaLuna recommendations for those speakers. I say that because I can get some great deals on them and have a small budget of about 2k.

Thank you for any advice!


Thank you for the link and your experience. I like the sound of my tube amp with them, and know now that I can experience even more with the tube amp with the right speakers.  Looks like I get new speakers!

I am looking at the Tekton Enzo XL and hopefully that will be a good match and great sound!

Post removed 

Thanks Bob,

Maybe I have never really heard Great sound! LOL.... I like what I am hearing because it was better with the tube amp than the dual mono Emotiva amps that I had with the XSP-1 gen two Preamp to my ears anyways. Sure wish I could hear the Tektons with my amp and decide from there. To be honest, all the info in the charts and reviews are WAY over my head. I have tried to understand them but its just not sinking in. I just go by the sensitivity of the speakers and "hope". I know its not a good way to go about things but to try to decipher all that info, just hurts......

Can you tell I am new at this? LOL