What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?

I was thinkung about getting the ARC Ref 3, but I din't noticed that Lamms have an awfull lot of gain - 32dB. I was told that the Ref 3 will not work well with Lamms because of that.

I know that the logical step is to get the Lamm preamp but beeing as lazy as I am, I want something withe a remote (not to mention SINGLE volume knob).

Any thoughts ?

Showing 3 responses by thesaint519

Yes, I've heard the VTL preamps and the ARC preamps create good synergy with the Lamm Hybrids. They are great choices.
The ARC/Lamm combo will always be influenced by cabling, the room, and
associated equip. Not sure what those other contributing factors are, but
they play a major role in the sound. Having said that, there are a number of
Lamm hybrid users that I have successfully married ARC Preamps with
Lamm amps. Tricon_dave, here on AGon, is one such person. He was
using an ARC Ref 5SE with Lamm M1.2s. Perhaps you should reach out to
him for actual ARC/Lamm experience. So even though we each have
varying opinions, in the final analysis, your ears should become the final