What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?

I was thinkung about getting the ARC Ref 3, but I din't noticed that Lamms have an awfull lot of gain - 32dB. I was told that the Ref 3 will not work well with Lamms because of that.

I know that the logical step is to get the Lamm preamp but beeing as lazy as I am, I want something withe a remote (not to mention SINGLE volume knob).

Any thoughts ?

Showing 5 responses by kurt_tank

FYI: I upgraded from my Ayre K-1XE, with its optional phono boards, to the VTL TL-6.5 line stage preamp with the Basis ASR Exclusive phono preamp. These work even better with my hybrid Lamm amps, (M2.1 monoblocks),than my Ayre did.

My friend's ARC REF. 5 preamp works really well with his Lamm M2.2 monoblock amps too.
My friend uses the ARC Ref. 2 with his M2.2s, and that combo sounds great. (Albeit with the normal tube rushing noise.) Tube rolling will solve some, but not all, of the tube rushing issue.

The Lamm preamp has quite a bit less of this tube rushing noise, but does not have the features that the Ref. 2 has, such as a remote, or balanced inputs, or nearly the number of inputs. (Having only 3 SE inputs and no remote does limit the Lamm preamp, although sonically, it is tough to fault. Well, except for the dual volume controls! Personally, I am with you and I really want a remote, if only to control the volume.)

I use the Ayre K-1XE preamp with my M2.1s, which (obviously, being a solid state preamp), removes the tube rushing from the equation. It has a remote, albeit a very basic remote that only controls volume and muting. I like it a lot, (especially since my ears are particularly sensitive to tube rushing), and it has a very good phono section, something the ARC and Lamm don't offer. However, if you like the sounds of tubes, (and who doesn't? Well, besides me!), and don't mind the tube rushing noise, then you'll need to look elsewhere.

If you like ARC products, check out a used ARC Ref. 2 here on Audiogon. If you like it, great, you saved a bunch of money. If not, sell it and try something else. (Buying it used will allow you to try it relatively cheaply, even if you have to resell it eventually.)

My two cents worth anyway!
Good luck in your search.

After I posted my response, I took a look at your system. (BTW, hopefully only one response posted - I had a problem with the computer, and it may have posted multiple responses. If so, I'm sorry!) I noticed that you are running the Audio Aero Capitole II cdp (Nice choice btw! I was impressed when I heard one a few months back!).
My question is: Why do you need a preamp?
I assume you are running the cdp straight into the amps, correct? A another friend of mine runs his Capitole II straight into his Lamm M2.1s and loves it that way.
(This of course limits you to one input device though, correct? Or are you thinking of adding a second, or more, source? I'll tell you, nothing beats a good analog setup, not even a Capitole II! If this is the way you are considering going, you might want to consider the Aesthetix line. Either going with a Calypso (preamp) and a Rhea (phono stage) or a Janus, which combines the two into one chasis. I don't think the Janus is quite as good as the ARC equipment, but if you are looking to save a little cash and are adding a analog source, this might be the best way to go.

Anyway, thought you might be interested in my second thoughts.

Again, Good luck in your search!
Interesting regarding the AA sounding better through a preamp. My Resolution Audio Opus 21 is the exact same way.
(Although, I take advantage of the option to bypass the volume control completely by using the DIN output, rather than merely setting the attenuation to 0, on the RCA or XLR outputs.)

Why do you wish to upgrade from the AA, by the way?
Have you heard the ARC CD7, and is it really better than the AA?
(I find that hard to believe, given how great I thought the AA sounded.)
I have heard that some modded units sound slightly better, such as the APL moded units, but other than that, I have heard the AA is pretty much top of the heap. (Well, at least unit you start spending $20K, which is completely out of the question for me.)
Ah, so there are the $20K CDPs I mentioned in the post above!

Just as a thought: Have you considered trying out vinyl?

I have heard the AA (as I mentioned), and it is very, very good! No question, one of the best CDPs on the market.

However, that being said, it still does not equal the sound that a good analog setup can produce. I will not say it will be cheaper than the cost of the AA, (or the Reimyo or the EMM, for that matter!) but then again, it does, IMHO, sound better. (In fact, IMHO, it is much better, to the point that I rarely listen to CDs.)

If you are considering spending that kind of cash, you could get yourself a really good turntable, arm, cartridge and cleaning equipment, and have two different sources to choose from. (And since you are already wanting to get a preamp anyway, that cost won't figure too much into the costs. Just the cost of the phono stage, which is not too expensive. Alright, alright, it is expensive, but not TOO expensive!)

Just a thought.

(Or are you one of those lazy S.O.B.s, who doesn't like to get up to change record sides!
And be constantly cleaning records!
And cleaning the stylus!
And looking for the best vinyl version of your favorite LP!
Geez, remind me again, why am I recommending vinyl?
Oh yeah, it sounds better!)