What preamp creates the largest soundstage?

I have always loved a large soundstage.  I have a small listening room (10x10) and have mini-monitors, driven by a tube amp.  I have played a lot with speaker placement, room acoustics, listening position to create a large soundstage.  I have rolled tubes on the amp and made dramatic improvements. (I have purposely left details on the brands of tubes, amp and speakers out, because I don’t want side comments to distract from my question)

i have a digital source into a solid state naim preamp.  I home demo’ed a well reviewed preamp, and was surprised at how much the soundstage shrunk, both side to side and top downward.  It was deeper, and did have much of the tube magic, but I could not live without the big soundstage.  

so my question is, does anyone have experience with a preamp that produces a big soundstage?  I am looking for recommendations on what to demo next. While I lean toward tubes, I am open to solid state.  I am okay either new or used, and could spend in the 5k range, but would be happy to spend less.  Also comments on specific brands (i.e. xyz is known to have great soundstage in all their preamps) as opposed to models, are welcome.

and I will be the first to admit that perhaps the very large soundstage is not “accurate”to real music, but boy is it seductive and I love it and can’t live without it.

meiatflask ...I am running the PL pre into my Merrill Audio Veritas monoblocks,with zero intention of changing the pre anytime soon..if ever! Before that set up..I was using an Edge Amp Signature One ac/dc preamp feeding a Edge NL10 stereo amp. The combo I am using now is heads and shoulders above the previous Edge system in all forms of musical enjoyment. I would not get hung up on pricing schemes and country of origin for audio equipment.. generally speaking.
My Edge Sig One was and is a terrific sounding preamp but the PL pre just plainly spanked it badly. And the Edge pre was 3 times the cost of the PL Dialogue Premium... Of course...ymmv according to one’s own musical priorities.
I just added the $6,000 Backert Labs Rhumba 1.3 Extreme to my system.

And I have to say it is the most profound change I have heard in the last 10 years with any new component in my system. It has given me cause to reconsider upgrading my MSB Tech DAC.

The sound is not just detailed but immersive with texture that is hard to find outside of a live performance. From the bass attack to the the texture in the mid range. 

I have not felt this passionate about a component in a really long time It is simply the best preamp I have heard under $25,000.

@meiatflask, if your budget will stretch to it I recommend the Mola Mola Makua preamplifier. It can also be specified with a phono board and/or dac. Starting price £7,500