What power cord do you have on your Quattro ????

Looking for suggestions on what are good power cords for my Synergistic Quattro.....I have been told, but not heard as of this date, that the power cord on the Quattro does have an overall affect on the sound of your system..... Help me here guys !!!!

I saw the prices on Internet site of The Cable Co. In the same way, the price of all Synergistic Research cables very strongly increased by 20 to 30% on average.

In crisis period, usually the prices drop to start again the sales.

Are you sure, sounds like a mistake. Have you verified this by calling a Synergistic dealer?
I would like to equip me with Quattro, but the price of the interfaces with increased since the beginning of January 2009 in an excessive way.

An Quattro interface cable 3 lead 1,5m costs $265 now whereas in December 2008 it was to approximately $50.

The increase is of 430% what is exaggerated and completely unjustified. If it is really the new price, I think that I will preserve my 9 MPC.

The price of 4 interfaces was of $200, now it is of $1060. It is completely crazy!

Apparently, the crisis is finished in the USA. The President Barack Obama solved it of a blow of wand.
I recently changed my T2 to a T3 on my Quattro and liked it better. Have you tried the T2 before and preferred the T3. I noticed more warmth and transparency, more saturation. The system sounds less light and airy and the highs were more in check and not overly done with too much shimmer. The highs sounded more pleasant.

Has anyone also tried different Tesla PC's on their Quattros? Please let us know the results.

Thanks, Joe
A short while ago I updated all of my SR power cords. I went with the T3 on my quattro. couldnt be happier.
T2- and it's a very big improvement. Have your dealer loan you one and compare it to stock.