What player to stream Amazon HD with?

Hello all,
My Oppo 105 can stream my Tidal account, but I recently downgraded that account from its top of the line to its mediocre quality tier as I picked up Amazon's lossless service - which sounds phenomenal.

Is there a $1K or so unit out there I can stream Amazon with?
Many thanks

Showing 2 responses by skywachr

"I use my phone to send Amazon HD to Chromecast Audio via Wifi, then toslink cable from CCA to my DAC. I agree with other made points; the app is unrefined, but the ultra HD music is wonderful."


Thanks for posting this. I truly wish and hope that this is actually possible but all comments from Amazon indicate that HD Music cannot be cast to a CCA but only the standard level Amazon Music signal. I use the 3.5mm to toslink with CCA to a DAC as well. Have you discovered a true wormhole? How certain are you that the digital signal getting to your DAC this way is Amazon HD lossless rather than standard? Thanks.

The thing I don't understand is why Amazon doesn't manufacture a device with the same capabilities as the CCA given Google doesn't even make or sell them anymore.   One would imagine they could sell millions and hugely increase the number of subscribers overnight.