What phono pre am I looking for?

It needs to be quiet, fast, dynamic and not cost an arm and a leg, $1500? Plays nice with a VPI/dynavector 20x2 low without a sut. I listen and enjoy most everything but, the British Invasion, Willie Nelson, Gillian Welch and jazz take the cake. I have tubes, an LTA pre, decware set amp and omega speakers. 
The new channel islands peq-1 looks mighty fine and dusty uses the 20x2 as his personal cart, which can't be bad?  New or used no problem. 


Showing 8 responses by jmolsberg

I did not. But I read good things.
I don't want to use a step up and not sure I need more tubes. 

Liamowen, I know it would fit the bill perfectly but so expensive. 

what have you compared Don's with? It is definitely on my short list but I am also concerned with having so many tubes. I would certainly have him build it with the step up..

Thank everyone one for the suggestions, I am absorbing too much info, sensory overload. Discrete vs op amps, does anyone want to go there?
Parasound JR is definitely on the shortlist. I suspect, reading between the lines, they may be a little thin sounding? In its defense, every discrete phono pre amp I've listened to, sounds a little thin to these ears. Quite possibly the only way to accurately produce real tones?
That little MyGroov, crazy.

Everybody loves the Herron 2A but unfortunately I am too poor ): want to sell me your at half price (:

I am still very intrigued with the CIAUDIO PEQ-1, I wish we someone on the forum had some experiences. I took a gamble in 2012 with their VDA-2 DAC and still happily using it today, although ones and zeros is not my preferred listening method. My front end: $1500 Traveler and $995 cart, not exactly top tier. 
Gold Note PH-10 looks like a legit phono. I know squat about the company. I am not crazy about the equalization but I am going to have to make some concessions. Where does one get it for $1200? I suppose to realize its potential you need the external power?
Had an opportunity to listen to the dynavector mk lV today. It was nice but definitely not where I see my analog at. 
I ended up buying the Herron. can't tell you how it sounds yet but something tells me it's going t be just right.