What percentage of digital vs. analog?

To those who have large classical record collections, what percentage of the time do you spend listening to your records?
Most, but not all, classical analog recordings are available with streaming. (I can’t speak for other genres.) Do you find that records generally sound better? I know there are audiophile record pressings that are exceptional. Also many older recordings from the 60s and 70s are unmatched.
But it seems to me that, at least in classical which I mostly listen to, digital sounds at least as good or better.
So, do you listen to records for sentimental reasons?


Showing 1 response by mahgister

 I can add nothing to all the excellent posts  arguing for digital convenience and sound quality ... I dont doubt though  that in a race with no money limit vinyl masters sound better, it is easy to trust Mike  Lavigne expertise  on that after reading and seeing his system and post ...

I had no need to verify with my money ... Thanks to him though for his many interesting posts about that ...