What output cables work best with Sansui TU 717 ?

I have vintage Sansui tuner circa 1977, and was wondering what success anyone has had with output cables for such a tuner. Many thanks for input on this issue.
My reason for suggesting budget interconnect in this situation is due to the value of the Sansui TU 717.

I'm not saying it's not a great tuner (it is!), but It's not sensible to spend more on the interconnect than the tuner.

If you already own a premium interconnect and it's not being used, plug it in and take advantage. You might hear an improvement, you might not.

The antenna is another issue, investing in a great quality antenna assures you better reception with your present tuner and all that follow. FM is enjoyable and (particularly) an outdoor roof mount antenna can make a huge improvement for a small investment.

As for high end cables, I believe in them and use them in my own system. However, FM, TV analog signal and even DTS transfer to my HT system goes through Belden cables, built by Blue Jeans Cable.

Looking at other sources such as my turntable, it's a totally different story. The price of my prime source (Walker turntable), plus cartridge, phono and preamp are high retail value and very high performance. Making an investment in premium interconnects is not only in balance with the rest of the gear, it's a requirement for maximum performance.

Enjoy the Sansui, match it up with a good used cable here at Audiogon, and if later you decide to move on, you can probably sell for what you paid.
I use the DH Labs BL-1 terminated with Cardas GRMO's made by Moon-Audio on my TU-317, if that's any help.

My 717 is in storage, so I can't pull it out, but if the RCA's are the same as on the 317, they are a little short and the GRMO's are a tight fit and hard to put on. You might want to go with an I/C with a WBT type locking RCA to make it easier to get them on and off. Analysis Plus comes to mind. I believe I tried a Silver Oval In on the 717 when I was using it, and don't remember anything bad about the combo.
Again, thanks for the responses. I have gone to the ole used cable box and have sorted out some contenders from audioquest to monster to Van den hul the second. Bert