What other streaming services do you recommend besides Tidal?

Been having quite a few dropout issues with Tidal of late and no it is not my connection.
These were commonplace late last year, seemed to stop but of last few days have returned with a vengeance especially later at night (higher demand/usage I suppose?).
So as $20 a month is no joke for sporadic service and lack lustre customer service I would like to know who uses what other service for hires streaming?
Your experiences, problems if any, quality etc.
I know my Vault shows me at least 15 other options besides Tidal but I really know nothing of them.
Thank you
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I have had Napster (used to be Rhapsody) and Pandora Premium (higher quality and no commercials) for years. Napster provides music on demand and Pandora provides decent playlists. In addition, I use them in the car.
I was having problems with Tidal on gigabit service (verified to hundreds of Mbps to multiple testing destinations).  I read about issues of ISP’s DNS services interfering with Tidal, and recommending switching to OpenDNS or Google DNS.  I put Google on my router and my issues went away.  Went back to default and problems returned.  A year went by and I upgraded my router and left DNS at the default ISP offering and the problems had gone away.  Perhaps the ISP changed behavior or Tidal changed algorithms.

You don’t need much BW for Tidal.  But just because you have sufficient BW to your location doesn’t mean there isn’t congestion or throttling elsewhere.  Or that some DNS games are not interfering (I know it sounds like superstition).
uberwaltz, Node2 does stream and supports both WiFi and hardwire Ethernet connectivity. The original question/concern was about Tidal dropouts and my comment was that even with a good/fast broadband speed, the likelihood of dropouts can still vary depending on what device does the streaming, e.g., Node2, windows laptop, MacBook, etc.