What other obsessions do you have?

It's obvious that many of the people here have gone off the deep end (yes I include myself) with equipment and music purchases.

The question is what other obsessions do you have, or what else are you really into?

I was getting carried away with Martial Arts before an injury sidelined me, I would rather ride my motorcycle than drive, and I spend way too much time on the computer (most of it on AudiogoN). If I had the money I would have a bigger and better collection of wine. Other than that I'm perfectly sane! NO really!!!
Gads Gullahisland - You are a harsh judge of people indeed! Sorry, but I fail to see the posts you mentioned as any more than rather simple, and perhaps enthusiastic responses that answer the question posed, and in doing so give a peek into the lives of those answering. The question was about other obsessions we might have, so it does not surprise me in the least that folks are proud of what they value in their lives and devote their time and energies to. Part of the fun of the thread is that you may find many have similar interests as you. Getting into more detail is just a way of connecting with others who may have similar interests or might identify with the level at which they pursue this other obsession. At least that's how I saw it. None of those posts brought out the same reaction in me as it did from you, so I guess we do agree to disagree.

I'll let you have the last word where equine-genitalia is concerned and not torture anyone with more of the same.


I guess I can see your point, from my standpoint, I feel we all need to appreciate that many of us DO spend ridiculous money on our hobby/hobbies. As for the Seven cycles from Timo....I've conacted him and urged him to upgrade some things..... I won't say what my bike ran, but I can tell you it can run at 50+ mph and that to me is worth all the world!
Marco, you had me laughing so hard I was rolling on the floor ;0

Since I am one of the "self-absorbed braggarts and snobs" that Gullahisland picked as illustration of his point, I feel that I have earned the right to comment.

This thread is about obsessions, which by definition is normally practised in a totally out of order, OTT manner from the perspective of a sane person. So, having a system that costs more than the GDP of a 3rd world country clearly qualifies. Having a nice sounding system costing a little more than a European luxury sedan (no names - me no snob) may not quite qualify in some ofour memebers' eyes. It depends very much on your perspective ! and the degree of your obsession !!

Knowing the typical A'goner's obessesive musical enterprise may also cross over to other areas of interest, I dare say that there isn't nearly half as many "braggarts and snobs" as Gullahisland had observed. Perhaps, from his perspective we are boastful. But, that is just his own view. However, when Gullahisland extends sweeping assumptions of other people's intentions based on a few off the cuff remarks, he is perhaps showing us a little of what he is really made of.

I shall not second guess Gullahisland's reason for his past comments in this thread. Perhaps, he simply had a bad hair day. Me, I have no hair (at least not much left), so I am cool ;-)

When I returned to this thread and read the fire and lava this once benign volcano of a thread began spewing I was ready to nominate Gullahisland as the president of our Snobish Audiophile Money-Wasting Arrogant Braggarts Society [SAMWABS], but the MoFo has gone soft on us with his last few posts. Oh well...

Now, did someone mention equine-genitalia? Of course that would have to be Marco.