What other Hobbies or Interests Do You Have?

I was curious as to what other Hobbies or Interests do you have that also take up much of your time, energy and money or is Audio the only one for you?
Being a car enthusiast is definitely my first passion. Always reading about new cars and lusting after some classics.

For me, besides my interest in building a Audio System in the past few years, I am also a Car Enthusiast and Amateur Photographer (actually I hate using that term, more like a photo enthusiast because I consider myself a novice).
All 3 Hobbies have taken much of my time, energy and money. Sometimes I look back and think, wow, what have I done?
Could have saved all that money and time.
So I guess I should list my gear if I am talking about other hobbies:

2016 Mustang GT 6 Speed (weekend car, a few modifications) and 2018 Subaru Forester XT (Daily Driver). Obviously both are performance oriented.

Camera Gear: Nikon D750 with Kit Lense, Nikon 50mm 1.8 Lense, Tamron 14-24MM 2.8G


Showing 15 responses by mijostyn

Mitch, I had been using Stan's and it did work. Trust me on this one next bottle try the Orange Seal. It  stays in solution better and my impression is that it seals faster. I think I lose less air.
Yes, it takes a very steady hand with an Exacto knife. Black is a tough color to wrap also. Any bubbles show up white. What year is it 2004?
Asv, us cyclists have an expression, eat to ride, ride to eat. You ride through Tuscany then stuff your face. Can you tell how skinny my butt is?
Heaudio, stay away from Schwalbe. I had too many punctures. I have run Hutchinson Sector 28's and 32s with great results. Orange Seal is the absolute best sealant. I ran one 28 down to casing 500 miles after it punctured and sealed. I never took the tire off to patch it! Putting the tires on is just like a car. You use tire levers then you rapidly pressurize the tire to snap it onto the bead. Once the tire is mounted you take out the valve core and fill the tire with 60 cc Orange Seal with a syringe then put the valve core back in and pump up the tire. I use 50 psi in the front and 75 psi in the rear. My wife uses 50 in the front and 65 in the rear. We routinely do gravel roads on these tires no problem. In three years my wife has punctured once and I have punctured twice. All of them sealed fine and usually you do not realize you have punctured until you get off the bike and see Orange Seal on the seat tube.
Although you can use regular clincher wheels that have been taped to seal the spoke holes it is better to use a tubeless rim which has a bead.
IMHO Campy/Fulcrum makes the best tubeless wheels because of their MoMag system. No spoke holes, no tape, no leak! The nipples get a magnet screwed into them then are dragged to their location with an other magnet. The magnet is taken off then the spoke is mounted. 

There is one sport I have not seen yet. Anybody turn wood? There must be some wood turners out there. I forgot to mention I am a fellow lathe junky. 
It is great to see so many cyclists. It is undoubtedly the best aerobic sport for aging humans.
I also had a Bianchi Infinito. Great bike. It had Campy Super Record EPS. I had to sell it. Mountain biking destroyed my right wrist. I am now the proud owner of the only Motec wrist arthroplasty in the US. I had to go to London to have the surgery. In the US they just fuse the wrist. The Motec is not available here. Swemac the Swedish company that makes the Motec has no desire to bring it to the US due to the liability. Think we have the best medical system? 
Anyway, I had to keep cycling but wanted to take as much stress off my wrist as possible so I got a Specialized S Works Diverge Frame. The Diverge has a shock absorber in the stem. I built it up with Campy Super Record 12 speed EPS Disc and Fulcrum Carbon wheels. It is the ugliest bike I have ever owned but it rides great and the Campy disc breaks are the best I have ever used. I still have my original Merlin Extra Light. The best Ti welding ever done. It is indestructible. It has been all over the world and I can not bring myself to sell it. I also have his and her Richard Sachs frames. I think about building them back up but they need their rear drop outs re spaced.
Go tubeless! I have never had a puncture fail to seal. I do not even carry an inner tube any more, just CO2 cartridges. Just for fun I rode a punctured tire and put another 500 miles on it before I get down to casing and I never patched the puncture!  They ride better, are faster and you never have to mess with tires and inner tubes on the road. My wife and I have put a combined 4000 miles on tubeless without touching a tire lever. 
Edzyn, IMHO Tazio is the greatest race car driver of all time followed by Fangio and Senna. The 1935 German Grand Prix is the greatest race of all time. Tazio wins it in an outdated Alpha against much more powerful German cars from behind! Keep an eye on Max and Charles!
isochronism, no Bianchi? Fausto Coppi is rolling over in his grave. Celeste rules:) 
Barts the 68 is my absolute favorite vette! It would round out my trio of a Singer 911 and an Eagle Speedster XK-E. Time to go out and buy another lottery ticket. 
Geof3, my oldest is a starving actress in New York City. She was Vivian in The Marvelous Mrs Maisel. I have terminal stage fright. 
gkr, Bee keeping? I won't do anything that requires me getting into a hazmat Suite. Do you sell the honey? 
Audiobill, you sold your woodworking machinery? All my work as a doctor is going to wind up in the same place, 6 feet under. But the pieces I make could live on forever.  
Gavman, let me know when you are visiting the US!
Danvignau, humans are now living in an environment they did not evolve in. As a result they are dysfunctional in many ways. Under the dysfunction is usually some instinctive process gone awry. Obesity is an example as are women preferring to drive SUVs (they like being up higher and men displaying that they are the most frightening powerful SOBs in town. Women spending a gazillion dollars on make up and on and on. A great question is, Why are we so fond on music?  Itis a universal trait in us. Where did it come from. My personal theory is that there is music in nature, a bird communicating by singing. I think before we invented words we communicated the same way. There was a sequence of notes that said "Danger" and so forth. Certain tribes communicated with drums. We can relax when we have an advanced warning system. We relax with music. Just a thought.  
Akgwhiz, you have to trust me on this. In order to make the absolutely most unbelievable brisket you have to do it Sous Vide. 72 hours at 130-135 degrees. Same for Corned Beef Brisket or bottom round except a little hotter 140 degrees. Once you get into this you will never look back:)
Emailists, as you have noticed the 911 is the original sport utility vehicle. 
Wrapping a car is not easy and it takes a while to learn. The biggest panel I have ever done is a hood and hoods are relatively easy because they are flat. Once you start getting into curves, nooks and crannies it gets much tougher. Xpel is the best film and you can buy kits specifically for your car but I would just buy some sheet film and have at your hood a few times. You will ruin most of it. I did and I'm a pretty capable guy. I only do little things now like stone guards and still guards. I prefer to let the pros do the big stuff. I hate my cars looking like they have acne. 
zardoz, it is a fact that married men live longer. Something about being hen pecked I believe.
Vegas, why would you want to live in California or NY. 
Puff, locomotive airhorns? Must have a gas problem. Toot Toot. 
Geoffkait, I just knew it. The little reels go round and round, round and round. Easy rider. 
Jay, go out and get yourself a Honda CB1100 and stop worrying about it. You'll be fine. Get to the gym.
The Turbo S is faster than anyone needs in a street car. The PDK transmission is sort of bland in street use. The C4S is more fun on the street. On track it is the other way around and I am toying with the idea of turning it into a track car. All it needs is a roll bar, track tires and a re tune.
Mc, I stuff it last night. Tying up a stuffed pork belly is quite a chore I always swear I'll never do it again. It has been sitting all night in the fridge. The skin is salted and in the fridge it dries out which helps get it real crispy. It also picks up the flavors in the stuffing. Onion, Apricots, Parsely, Tyme, Sage, Bread Crumbs, Honey and Salt. 
Corelli, Google the Stelvio Pass and look at a picture. There are 48 switch backs and each one is numbered. Going up is easy and the people cheer you on as they drive by. Going down is scary. You pick up speed fast then you have to brake hard for the turn. If you see a bus coming you have to stop or you will get squished against the inside rail.
By the time you get to the bottom your hands hurt from all the braking. It is a 12 mile descent. God bless Campy disc brakes. 
Mc, I'm NSA. Geoffkait is a voodoo witch doctor. He tweaks his system by needling the speakers. That is why he does not like ESLs. I'm OK with the real Tom Clancy. 

I forgot eating. I'm real good at that. Tonight is Apricot stuffed pork belly.

Corelli, ya, ok on the flat but not so hot climbing. We tend to go places to climb like the Stelvio. We have a lot more to do in France and Spain. We have done all the great climbs in the Dolomites. The Mortirolo has an average 10% grade and goes up to 18%. Lance said it was the hardest stage he'd ever done. There is a monument to Marco Pantani about 1/2 way up. It was his favorite stage. 
Noromance, it sounds to me you might need an anti depressant, or a slight reorganization of your life. I have patients that work in Boston. They leave here (Southern NH) at 4:00 AM to beat the traffic, go to a gym near work, take their shower and go to work. Then they head back at 2-2:30 and beat the traffic again. They spend an hour commuting instead of two and get their workout in. Not much we can do about taxation except keep the bastards at each others throats so they can't hurt us as much. TERM LIMITS!!!! You have to look at houses as another hobby. I'm OK with property tax as long as it is giving our kids a good education.
I knew it! mc is James Patterson.

Woodworking. I have a 3 phase workshop in my basement
911's I have an 06 C4S and a 14 Turbo S. If I hit the lottery I'd get a     Singer 911 and an Eagle Speedster along with a lift. I am darn tired of     working on jack stands.
Bicycling and Skiing. Two years ago we climbed the Stelvio and the     Mortirolo. A fractured sternum and 4 ribs ended my mountain biking   days. We just got adventure bikes and are going to start exploring the   gravel roads up north. Garmin Nav is a must!