What now?

At the risk of repeating a question that has been asked and answered a few times, let me tell you my story.  I am an old-time audiophile (now 79) who has to adapt to new circumstances.  For the past forty years or more I have listened to music on two pairs of Snell type A speakers (A and AIII), one pair in my living room and another pair in the studio where I paint.  I have moved to a smaller house.  I had to sell the Snells because I don't have room for them (they went to a good home).  I also have sold some fairly high end equipment that powered them.  I now have two Marantz 60009 receivers and a nice vintage turntable.  The turntable is in a small (about 12x15) room, with a piano.  I need to find floor-standing speakers I can put on either side of the piano and close to the wall behind them.  I want to find them used, but not too used - I don't want to need to repair them anytime soon.  I am used to good sound and my hearing is still pretty good.  I listen to some classical, some choral, some solo voice, some guitar, etc.  I like what might be called a "warm" tone - without wanting to get into a debate about what that means - just don't want treble that is on the edgy side.  My budget is flexible, but not unlimited - maybe from $700 to $3000.  I do care how they look.  Some years ago I had a pair of Acoustic Zen adagios, which were OK, but I always preferred the Snells (maybe I was just used to them).  So - what do you recommend?  Adagio?  Vienna Acoustic Bach?  Tannoy?  Sonus Faber?  I am not in a place where I can easily audition speakers, and many of the ones I would consider are no longer sold new anyway, so I need to rely to some extent on the judgment of others.  What do you think?


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Showing 7 responses by twilightround

First - thank you to all who have responded helpfully.  As to the physical layout, I have very few choices. I like the new house and community, but the house is considerably smaller than the one I left. The piano is a small Yamaha electronic one - full keyboard, but quite compact and sounds damn good.  The piano is on the 12' wall, and the only place in the room for the speakers is on or very near the same wall. . They might be placed as much as 10' apart.  The room is also a spare bedroom, so there is also a bed in the room, with its head on the opposite wall. The listener will be sitting (or lying) on the bed. I thought towers would be best because they could put the mid-range and tweeter high enough and the elevation of the bass wouldn't matter.  I suppose it does sound like an audiophile's nightmare, but it's what I've got and I can't change it.  The budget is flexible - I'm not constrained as to money, but can't see spending many thousands for this environment.  I will look into all the suggestions. Thanks again ...

Again, thanks for the comments.  I have a couple of prospects.  One is Ohm 1000 new at about $2900 with shipping, with a return option if they just don't work for me.  A second is Melin VSM-MXe with Bam in mint condition, asking $3400 and about 50 miles from me.  The seller says he researched speakers for many hours to find ones that worked well quite near a front wall, and the Merlins were his choice.  They were much more expensive than the Ohms ($13,000), Stereophile A rated, but are probably more than 10 years old, which is a concern because I don't really want to get into repairing very heavy speakers. They are supposed to be good in a small room.  Also have a chance to buy Ohm 3X0 about 50 miles away, with new drivers installed by Ohm, for $3500, but Ohm says they may be too much for my smallish space.  I'm thinking the new Ohm 1000s may be the safer choice.  Any thoughts?

No, not set.  Would generally prefer to buy used from a reliable seller on Audiogon.  But am somewhat concerned about the space and the Ohm seems to be designed to work there. 

I never thought about earphones ...



I know.  I wish I could have kept the Type A's, but I no longer have a place for them.  But I do like the smaller home and the community.  I find that I may not have described adequately the environment in which the new speakers will have to make music.  They have to be on either side of the electronic piano (which is only 36" high and 18" deep.  They have to be close to the front wall, but, depending on their depth, not right up against it.  I think in total the front of the speakers could be as much as 30" from the wall.  The other problem is height.  The only place to sit in the room is a bed, which provides very comfortable seating for me, but which is high for a bed (33").  That means the listening head will be at 50" or more and close to the back wall.  I am thinking that some acoustic suspension speakers or some front-ported speakers might work and that taller ones would work better than shorter ones.  I have a chance to buy, locally, Merlin VSN-MXe in very good condition with master bam for $3400 or Usher Audio Dancer Mini One DMD for $1950.  If anyone knows these speakers and can comment on their suitability for this environment, please let me know.

Ok, thanks all for the suggestions. Here's an update, and I hope you're still with me.  I described this bedroom/listening room.  It is about 12x15 with a 10' ceiling. The south (12') wall has a Yamaha electronic piano.  Also on this wall is my turntable and other components. The head of the bed is against the north (12') wall.  The bed is 34' high (storage underneath).  At the foot of the bed, about 6' from the south wall, is a chest of drawers (33' high). I began this thread asking what floor standing speakers I might use on either side of the piano and close to the south wall. I appreciate the suggestions for the Ohm, and have talked with the fellow there, who suggests the tall 1000.  That's well within my budget.  My concern is with the sound stage of the omnidirectional speaker.  I understand that I can return the Ohm's if they don't work for me, but I want to avoid doing that if I can.  I am generally concerned that even with a good-sized floor speaker, the sound, especially the higher frequencies, will be coming from well below my head when I am sitting on the bed.  So ... it has occurred to me that I might put two good bookshelf speakers on the chest of drawers, facing the head of the bed, on low stands that would raise them the a few inches to the ideal height.  The could be about 5' apart, and 6' from the south wall.  The would also be about 7' from my head. Of course, that would require that I run speaker cable to the from the south wall, along the east wall, along the north wall to the bed, then under the mattress to the speakers (probably 25 to 30' in all).  However, in terms of speaker placement, this seems promising.  What do you who know much more than I think?   And, if you think this would be better than anything I can do on the south wall, what specific speakers would you recommend at, say, $3000 or under, new or used?

You are right, of course.  I just thought I was special 😗.  Actually, I thought my space was especially problematic.  I have followed the speaker discussions in forums, and what I find is too many recommendations.  Many take no account of the space.  And dozens of recommendations don’t really narrow the field much, especially when there is little opportunity to demo any of them.  Nevertheless, audiogon is the best place there is to get useful information.  

I have ordered the GetBetterSound book, hope it may help. I have some possibilities for speakers.  One is vintage McIntosh XRT 18 - pretty amazing concept.  Another is Revel f208, which provides for some attenuation of bass if needed.  A third is Triangle Antal 30th anniversary, which one reviewer says can sound good only 8” from front wall.  I may also be able to do some sound conditioning on the walls.  Thanks to all who have answered.  Any comments welcome.