What next?

I've been trying to figure out what should be my next investment and not really coming up with a clear way forward.

I'm actually really happy with the way it sounds, but I subscribe to the theory that there's usually some incremental improvement to be had somewhere.

The only weaknesses I can think of are that a) the low bass could use a little tightening up, b) the soundstage could be slightly deeper and wider.

I heard a friend's DAC in my system that, while I preferred everything else about mine, had tighter, faster low end. Soundstage is really just a guess, I could have room limitations.

In terms of investing, I'm thinking next up will be under $1k. Down the road I may consider moving up the Aerial linen speakers or trying a set of Eidolons, and moving to Ayre separates.

I don't feel a burning need to spend the money, but, system assembly in its own right is a hobby (beyond just enjoying the sound) and activity keeps it invigorating.

Showing 2 responses by lowrider57

I cant tell if u have spikes on your speakers. If not, you need to get them raised off the floor. I also have a limited space situation and I'm using furniture sliders under my spiked speakers. I move the speakers away from the walls for listening sessions and the improvement in imaging is amazing.