What new gear will you be buying this year?

I will be in the market for speakers, probably in spring unless something unuasual happens, otherwise I'm pretty well set. How about you, are you planning any purchases for the new year?

Showing 2 responses by raytheprinter

Will have a pr of Harmonic Precision Caravelles very soon,just ordered a Monarchy Classic DIP to replace my older Mark II,May be getting a pr.of Purist Audio Venustas ICs soon,a pr. of Sonoran Plateau sp. cables,still debating on which upgrade to go with for my Scout,im telling myself i have to stop after this,,,,but we all know how that works!!!!I will be buying many more CDs and LPs,,and maybe building racks to put them in,,,Ray
Nrchy,Hope you get the stands soon!I should be getting mine in a couple weeks tops,well have to compare notes,Ray