What music is your system setup for?

I am new here, so hello to everyone.
Did you set your system up for rock, jazz or classical from the get go?
Are your speakers far from the back wall, say 6 feet for a deep sound stage, some say nessesary for classical?
just off the wall, say 3 feet good for rock and some where in between for jazz, or does it matter?
Also what type of music did you purchase your equipment to listen to and is it a compromise when you listen to the other or does that not matter either?
Just thoughtI would ask.
Thanks for your input.

Showing 1 response by nilthepill

All kinds. I think what Shadorn said describes my system, like bell curve. If recording is bad, no matter what type of music, would sound bad. I listen to as much Rock , Jazz, Classical and Electronics music. And it sounds realistic. More so with Vinyl than digital :). Okay last sentence was not called for.