What makes the Bloom around instruments . . .

I recently tried a Pass XA30.5 amp in place of my Spectron Musician III Mk 2.

In my particular system, the Spectron outclassed the Pass in every category except one: that magical Bloom surrounding each instrument and vocal entity.

I really liked that Bloom and I would like to understand how and why it's there because it is something very special and I'd really like to have it again in addition to everything the Spectron brings.


Showing 3 responses by glory

I have, with the Atma Sphere S30, what Holt's take on bloom is in my system. Having lost it with a SS amp/tube pre I went with the AS amp and recovered it.

From multitude owners of TRL SS amps I have been told that if brought into my system I would not lose that bloom I have with the AS amp.

I was convinced that a SS amp will not produce that bloom a tube amp can deliver. I hope to be wrong.

When I do get the SS amp in my system the AS amp will sit by and wait for the verdict.
Went for a listen to the song mentioned and my AS S30 made the organ plain to hear. If the Pass amp kills the organ then I have struck gold.

If the Pass amp kills the organ on the DS song why would you want to hear it? =8>D