What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?

When making changes or adding things to your system, what makes the bigger difference in sound quality on preamp‘s and power amps? Interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, or fuses?


Showing 7 responses by thyname

I am not a vegetarian, I like my meat, especially beef and pork, but I respect the vegetarians, both for health reasons and good cause. I don’t know how they do it, but hey, kudos! I cannot survive without meat for more than a couple of days. 

By the way, does fish count as meat? How about chicken, dark meat?

UNBELIEVABLE!!! WHO was the IDIOT who doesn't even know WTF a fish is?!? It's a "VEGETABLE".....MORON!!!  (;

😂😂😂😂. So….is fish considered meat or not? Answer the rucking question good dammmit!

Once you get the room right, with a bunch of Ethan’s acoustic panels, it does not really matter what speakers and gear you use. It will sound fabulous! 🙄🙄🙄


Walmart $49 DVD player, kiddie ladders as “speaker” stands, etc. It will all sound the same as a $xxxx,xxx,xxxxx system

@holmz :

We hear what we want to hear


Then what's the whole point of the whole discussion on Audio? Including the "room" discussion?

That’s a very long cumbersome way to express your belief that cables have zero impact to the performance of any audio system. And since you are also of the belief that “we hear what we want to hear”, I take it you never tried (as in listen) for yourself? 

On the speaker cables I have tried AQ, Mogami, and lamp cord… No real head snapping differences… But the lamp cord seemed better

Oh man, I feel for you. But then, I glanced at your profile picture, and realized you speak the truth.

The speaker wires/cables are not really able to be A/B compared in any easy way. So if our auditory memory is short, then it is prone to being difficult to accurately assess it.

I don’t know how much more honest that I can be but to say that I hear speaker differences way more easily

Hmmm..... easier to A/B speakers, right? You line up a few pairs of them in your house, and fire them up rapidly to compare / and A/B ?




I don’t know dude. Check the user manual? Hire a repair technician? What is the brand and model of your refrigerator?