What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?

When making changes or adding things to your system, what makes the bigger difference in sound quality on preamp‘s and power amps? Interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, or fuses?


Showing 2 responses by astolfor

Ted, if your products are as good as your ability to decently discuss facts, probably nothing you sell 😂

You asked why I don’t have pictures of my systems… simply, I don’t like creeps that can’t discuss technical facts without making it personal like you did because you can’t defend the nonsense you claim, into my homes.

Those who matter, and love have access to any of my systems, or everything I have both in the USA and Spain any time they want.

I do not need to prove anything, much less to you, because I am not selling anything or trying to convince people to buy into bs to make a living.

I am accustomed to interact with reasonable people, that just like me, can discuss technology and math based on facts and if someone makes a better technical or mathematical argument we learn, without making it personal. Reasonable people usually are humble, like to learn, have the ability to differentiate between bs and facts, but the best quality reasonable people have is their intrinsic ability to separate a discussion and their fellows.

Apologies for my grammar a word choices, English is not my native language.




@mahgister why you even bother answering to this gentleman?
Not worth your time. You are in a much higher league of understanding that he will never achieve.

Some people just don’t know beyond what they believe, which is where I excuse myself; beliefs is not how science works.

What one believes has no place in a technical discussion if the “facts” you believe have no correlation with actual science.
