What makes an interconnect sound like it does?

Are there any generalizations that can be made about the physical designs of interconnects?


I guess the same question can be asked of speaker cables, too.

Showing 1 response by loontoon

The termination, and for you flat earthers that believe that only gas tight crimp will do, I got news for ya, there's a darn good reason that the government spec's solder for it's termination joints. Repeatability and reliability. Only in theory is a crimped joint better.

The US spec's gold and silver clading or plating, and often times gold connectors, and SILVER Solder. Most high end critical signal or data transmission cables are high quality copper with silver plating.

So: What causes the sound differences is mostly termination and last: it's the length and the capacitance, reactance, impedance, resistanct, inductance that either adds or subtracts from the signal that colors the sound.

Which is why many poeple who don't understand what the cable is doing chase and spend many $$$ finding the exact coloration that perks up their system. Match you impedances on the components upfront, buy quality copper and silver solder to locking connectors and the interconnect game comes to an end. Since your springing for maybe a couple of bucks go whole hog and silver plate the cable and hey use teflon foamed insulation, twist, braid, etc, what ever floats you boat via the snake oil in whatever add you've taken a fancy to, add inexpensive locking WBT type RCA's from PE and your out maybe $15 and an hour of time.

But if your components impedances are mismatched I suggest fixing the real issue prior to chasing down big bucks in interconnects. You did impedance match you components, right!!! A nasty little secret that very few salons will tell you about. Even in the same manufacturer and family the impedances may not be matched. Ask the dealer you buy from, and if he can't tell you, get away fast.
