What makes an amp hum/ground loop?

I just hooked up a pair of monoblocks in place of a Coda stereo amp. Nothing changed. I am and was, running directly out of a cd player with an analog o/p. When I hooked up the m-blocks, I got a hum in my speakers. It only happens when BOTH monos are hooked up to the cd player. But that was no problem going into the Coda. Suggestions anyone? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by kkeyser

It usually is a ground loop mismatch between components. Are your A/C outlets grounded? Did you try cheater plugs (2 prong no ground)? Are both mblocks plugged into the same circuit, if so, is it feasible to plug one into a seperate circuit in the house/apt? Some cables being so sensitive will cause this as well? Did you change cables? So many qestions! Good Luck...Kent