What makes a High Efficiency Speaker

Can someone explain the “high efficiency speaker” as opposed to a “regular speaker”?
Are there certain recognized parameters that a speaker has to meet?
If so what are those parameters.
And some pointers in what to look for in this type of speaker.
Who is the recognized leader in this field and which companies make them?

I would presume Wilson Whamm's are in there but I was more interested in a slightly lower priced item.

(I spent my lunch money on the new Buggatti)


Showing 1 response by warrenh

Opalchip, assuming these tests are accurate, could the speakers tested, being that it was 4 years ago, be different? It seems incongruous with the Zu boys work ethic, that their 101db would not be correct. At least it seems that way to me. With my 18 SET watts my Definitions produce some very serious spl levels in a large room. Granted this is not a scientific method, but my tympanics, from experience tell me they are pretty darn close to 101db. fwiw, warren :-)