What makes a high $$$ cartridge high $$$?

From what I can tell, not through my own experience yet, there is consensus that going up the price ladder with cartridges pays performance dividends. The range of prices is pretty wide and I am curious what is the central issue in driving cart prices. Is it research and development technology, materials, production costs, market dynamics (luxury pricing), brand value extraction, etc. Maybe it is the same as with amps, speakers, etc., but somehow carts seem different.

Where does the price/performance curve start to flatten $500, $1K, $2K ?

Showing 1 response by twb2

The very expensive cartridges are like the very best of anything- hand made by a master who understands how attention to fine detail and the use of the very best materials does make as difference. Audiophiles with high resolution systems and a discerning ear do hear the difference and are willing to pay the price. Thus we have products like Koetsu and others. It is not snake oil nor greed.