What makes a better phono cable ?

Silver or copper? My understanding would be silver but finding a low capacitance silver cable has been a challenge.Currently using a Synergistic Tricon Analog.Nice cable but seems to be my weakest link.Any experienced input would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by dkarmeli

Silver has its own character that might not be to everyone's tastes. Personally, I despise it whenever I hear it, but each to his own.

Syntax, where did you get this from? Its nonsense.

"Silver wire (silver can carry 6% more information than copper and 16% more than gold)"

Aside from all the variables, what kind of instrument was used to measure transfer of information?

Al, (Almarg), I recognize bs that's why I called him (Syntax) on it and of
course he doesn't have a reply. I know about measuring impedance,
conductivity, resistance, etc. but never heard of a way to measure transfer
of information in this way specially when it comes down to our topic, the
quality of the audio signal. I was just curious why would anyone make such
an irrelevant statement specially if as you pointed out he's been called on it
Syntax, you're still making unfounded and unproven rubbish statements as factoids, why?