What made you select "audio" as your hobby

I've read many posts here on Audiogon as to the extremes many of you have gone in pursuing sound perfection.
I wonder what made you select this "nutty hobby" in the first place??

Showing 1 response by mizike

I became involved with this hobby through my grandfather and uncle. I have a cherished photo of grandad standing nest to his stereo cabinet he built himself containing the Lafayette integrated he also built. Taken in about 1965/66 in Eureka Kansas pop. 2,000 no audio stores for miles. He had an AR turntable with an Empire cart. and Electro-voice Baron speakers. I listened to this combo a lot as a kid. I bought the Yamaha NS 1000M new in 1978 at the age of 19. I still own them and am in the process of refinishing the cabinets. (added new KLE 5 way binding post last night) They saw a few too many parties in their early years.  They still sound fantastic especially now that I have way better electronics than my cheapo Kenwood receiver I bought with them at the time. I bought a stereo a full two years before I bought my first car. It took me that long to pay for it. I spent $1,600.00 in 1978.