What line stage preamp to use with BEL MKIII amp?

I just purchased a BEL 1001 MKIII. Does any one have any suggestions of what line stage preamp to match with this amp. I have a Rowland Coherence One Series 2 preamp at the moment and I no longer need a phono stage so I have been thinking about going with a line stage only. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by garymichaels

I have BEL MK111A Power Amps that I am using as dual monoblocks. I would be interested in how you feel the Rowland Coherence One Preamp matched with your BEL power amp. I had been using a Thor Preamp with Phono Stage, which I recently sold, that IMHO did not match particularly well with the rest of my system.

I am seeking ideas, opinions, or suggestions for a preamp with phono stage that might work well with my BEL amps and Audio Physic Avanti Speakers. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.