For the past 2 years I have used a Sonic Frontiers Line 2 SE with a pair of BEL 1001 Mk IV amps. I am extremely pleased with this combination. I previously used an Acurus RL-11 linestage with the BEL amps. The improvement in sound after replacing the Acurus with the SF Line 2 was huge - better bass and much more detail and resolution. Additionally, the HT bypass on the SF Line 2 allowed me to seamlessly integrate my 2 channel system with a 7.1 home theater system.
What line stage preamp to use with BEL MKIII amp?
I just purchased a BEL 1001 MKIII. Does any one have any suggestions of what line stage preamp to match with this amp. I have a Rowland Coherence One Series 2 preamp at the moment and I no longer need a phono stage so I have been thinking about going with a line stage only. Any suggestions are appreciated.