What line stage preamp to use with BEL MKIII amp?

I just purchased a BEL 1001 MKIII. Does any one have any suggestions of what line stage preamp to match with this amp. I have a Rowland Coherence One Series 2 preamp at the moment and I no longer need a phono stage so I have been thinking about going with a line stage only. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by bkt

Thanks for your suggestions. I bought my BEL 1001 MKII on Ebay from a person in NY state. I had a BEL 1001 MKI in 1985 and should have kept it. I have had many amps since that original MKI but IMHO nothing was as satisfying sonically and the MKIII is a great improvment over the MKI.
The Rowland Coherance One Series II mates really well with my BEL. The synergy between preamp and amp is a tricky marriage sometimes and buying without audition can be very dissapointing at times. I found this out with the Electrocompaniet AW60 FTT amp that I had before the BEL 1001 MKIII. Matched with the Rowland preamp everything sounded lifeless and dynamics were lacking. With the BEL it was a complete turnaround. I highly recommend Dick Brown's amps and if I get a chance will be biamping.
Well I decided to keep my vinyl collection. After picking up an AR ES-1 turntable and listening to see what I would be losing by going with just the digital source, sanity prevailed. Now I'm on the look out for a Rega tonearm to replace the stock AR arm. Does anyone know who manufactured the AR stock arm?