What kind of amplification for Martin Logan SL3 ?

I own Martin Logan SL3 and look for an amplifier (in the same price range) that could match with. Untill now, everything I've heard gave me the impression of missing details, sounded too cold or didn't deliver power enough to make me forget the low sensitivity of electrostatics. O_Gorcz@hotmail.com

Showing 2 responses by jim

I can't comment on Argent, but I've used both AQ Midnight and Clear with good results. Same hyperlitz family as Argent, more or less. Those in the know say that Goertz are really the way to go -- I'm going soon. Good luck.
ML's reputation for being hard to drive is way overblown. I sometimes wonder if everyone giving opinions has even heard these speakers. First, SL3's are no big deal to drive -- they aren't even real electrostatics -- why do you think that ML compromised sound and went to hybrids in the first place? The more "advice" I see regarding ML's,(not on this thread since most people here have SL3's), the more convinced I am that most people have never owned and lived with -- maybe never even heard -- these speakers. They are not so hard to drive. No more fussy about set up than any other good speaker. Period. By the way, I DO own ML's. CLSII's (no Zzzzzzzz and still not not a problem). And, no stinking woofer to spoil things. Any high quality ss amp is good for pure electrostatics, but tubes are even better. Sweating amps for SL3's is mental masturbation. Look at the variety of amps mentioned here -- and great sound, to boot. Again, these speakers are no BFD to drive. Your decision regarding an amp is not much different than if you had any other speaker. Really. If you were running pure electrostatics, this would be another matter. Don't get sucked into the "hype". Spend your $$$ elsewhere in your system unless your current amp is really bad -- you didn't mention what you're using -- this will most likely make your ears and soul happier.