What is your most fond musical memory.

One that makes you yearn for the ‘good old days.’

Mine took place in 1970. My grandparents were going on a world tour and I had their whole house to myself for 2 months. Alone at last!. I was 16. First thing I did was set up my audio system. Then I turned down the lights and put on the just released Grand Funk “Closer to Home’ album. I thought I was in heaven when ‘I’m your Captain’ came on. 10 minutes of Pure Bliss. To this day I get the tingles whenever I play that song.



Showing 1 response by smokinamps

In 1966 I was a high school freshman at San Marcos High School in Santa Barbara,Ca. The school faculty told the Concert Committee that they could select any group to preform for a school fundraiser ( BIG MISTAKE ) as we booked Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention ! Needless to say the faculty was freaking out when Zappa opened with " Getting Nasty on the White House Lawn" followed by Susie Cream Cheese. LMAO looking at their horrified faces.

The other great concert for me was early 70s when Rare Earth played in Anchorage, AK.