What is your favorite Greg Brown CD?

Looking for CD suggestions on this artist.
Hard to say . . . I really like "Dream Cafe," especially the title track, but "The Poet Game" is also a good one, as are most of his. "The Poet Game" on vinyl sounds TERRIFIC!
Pick up "If I Had Known-Essential Recordings,1980 - 1996" You'll get a great overview. Disc 2 is a DVD documentary which gives some insight as to what makes him such a great artist. Eventually get "Milk Of The Moon" but have some of the others mentioned above first.
The Poet Game is available on CD. I have a Red House CD 68 of it. I believe that everyone I know has liked " In the Dark with you". Any of his CDs is worthwhile. Two interesting CDs of covers by him are Greg Brown and Bill Morrissey "Friend of Mine" and "The Songs of Innocence and Experience." The later is Brown doing William Blake. "Further In" is one of my favorites. "Going Driftless" a tribute to Greg Brown by various female singers is also well done, my sister liked it so much I got her a copy.
In case you're counting, my vote is for Slant Six Mind. If you're going by popularity, Tower Records shows One Big Town as the best seller, followed by Slant Six Mind.
A big help we've been! If this thread keeps going, we'll have named all of his records!