What is your favorite album cover?

I extremely love Rhythm Nation 1814 by Janet Jackson. Eschewing a friendly, fun image more conducive to '80s pop chart success, Janet Jackson adopted a militaristic tone for her instantly iconic black-and-white Rhythm Nation 1814 cover art.....That's why I like not only her song but also her soul in music. What about you? What is your favorite album cover?

Showing 2 responses by goofyfoot

I know it's schmaltzy but 'Woodstock=Music From the Original Soundtrack and More'. I was a kid but loved the neighborhood hippies and that album photo identifies that period of my life. Too bad that era's culture changed so radically during the 1970's.
The flip side of The Faces 'A Nod Is As Good As A Wink To A Blind Horse' and the front side isn't bad either.