What is your experience with the NAD M33?

I bought one last April when there was a waiting list. I'm quite surprised to see how little mention it gets in discussions. Is there a reason no-one talks about it? If you know please tell me.


Showing 1 response by kchalupa

I've owned the M33 for about two years.  I decided to simplify my system.  I got tired of the amp/preamp/phono amp/streamer/CD player and all the attendant wiring.  I looked at a lot of the better integrated amps.  I settled on the NAD because it had ample power to drive my Acoustat 2+2's and everything it does is in the digital domain so very quiet.  I also was interested in Dirac, though frankly I thought that I would never use it.  That said, the M33 without Dirac is an excellent powerful and transparent amp with none of the nasty characteristics of earlier Class D.  The amp is a great deal even without Dirac.

Dirac, however, is a total game changer.  I was always skeptical of equalization or "room correction."  For every article I read that said it improved the sound, I read another that said just the opposite.  I will put this simply.  Dirac is superb.  After having used it, I just can not see EVER going back to a non-corrected system.  In the process of setting up Dirac, I saw that I had 15-20 db peaks and troughs in frequency response in my room.  I realized that before Dirac, I was listening to my room, not the loudspeakers.

I have been in this hobby for 45 years, and the NAD M33 is one of an extremely small number of pieces of equipment that for me have been a total revelation and game changer.   I can't recommend this unit enough (and, no, I don't work for NAD!).  Just don't overlook Dirac.  It requires investing a Saturday to figure it all out, but once you learn it, you'll never go back to a non-corrected system.