What is your experience with amp power?

So I wanted to know what my fellow audiophiles feel about power.

I realize that some speakers are current hounds and need a prodigious amount of power or watts (lets say Maggies). But my question is for speakers that do not. Speakers that are easy to drive, or maybe just higher in efficiency and can be driven by a modest tube amp or even an adequate receiver. 

What is you experience with high power, high current amps ? Do your speakers sound better with more power? At low volumes, in a small or medium sized room? Do you think the quality of the music is dependent on higher powered amps?

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Two experiences from me, the last one I can not explain. Comments welcome.

Frst & briefly: Amphion Argon 3 standmounts driven by a peachtree amp. I swapped the amp for a Krell amp of the same power. Result: tonnes of bass suddenly appears. I guess this is because the Krell amp was able to provide a lot of current when called on. I.e. it’s transient power was more.

More interestingly, due to a bizarre series of events I was able to try a second NAD C298 power amp in addition to my C298 driving KEF Reference 3 speakers (not a super tough load), this meant that I could use them as bridged mono blocks, and so went from 180W per channel to 600W, but with the same gain (this is switchable on the NADs), and no change in circuit design or parts quality.


The result of 3x more power was that everything just got more relaxed, more effortless, less shouty. I think I ended up listening louder, because it was just all so smooth. It was like my system had slipped on a smoking jacket and poured itself a brandy. Lovely. Not louder, no more base, yes a bit better stereo, but mainly just more effortless. I have no idea why this effect happens as the KEFs probably take only a couple of watts at normal listening levels.